A New Agreement

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As Hades was running through the castle with the creature he forged from magic not far behind, he was practically cursing himself and screaming in frustration and fear. He didn't know what to do in a situation like this. Whenever he was in a deadly predicament like a monster attack, he always knew that he would be okay. But now that he was mortal, he was now certain he was going to die.

"Oh Gods, oh my Gods! What have I done?! What was I thinking?! Have I lost my mind?!" He ranted before he made his way outside.

He turned around to see the creature was now towering over him, its claws and teeth were somehow sharper than before, and the eyeball was practically bulging out of its slimy black body. Hades held the scepter tight in his grip as he stepped back away from it; it was that day from his childhood all over again. Only this time, he felt helpless. He took another step backwards, but he tripped over his robe and he fell onto his backside.

"Oh, why did I have to recite that stupid spell?!" He cried, squeezing his eyes shut.

That was when he heard a familiar sound; it was a monstrous screech, but he knew it. Hades opened his eyes and looked up to see his chariot flying towards him and Maleficent was driving it with Pain, Panic, and the Fates riding with her. With a bit of a rocky landing, the chariot stopped right next to Hades and he quickly got back to his feet. He stared at Maleficent with wide eyes, not sure what to make of the situation. He gave her an incredulous look before she turned her attention to the creature wreaking havoc before them. Her eyes widened as she climbed out of the chariot.

"I've seen a lot, but I haven't seen this before! What did you do?" She shrieked.

"I-I-I-I don't know! I was trying to practice a bit of magic, I cast some kind of animation spell, and then this happened! I don't know what else to tell you!" Hades argued.

The creature roared and everyone covered their ears to block out the sound. It slowly slithered closer, but they ran further away. Pain and Panic jumped into the bushes to hide while the Fates hid behind a large stone pillar. Maleficent and Hades stood at the edge of the drawbridge as the creature grew closer.

"If you don't fix this soon, this monster will grow bigger and bigger until it has swallowed up the entire planet... and all of us with it." Maleficent said.

"I tried EVERYTHING I could, but nothing is working!" Hades said. "But I am glad you're here. Now you can help me get rid of this thing."

"Pardon?" Maleficent asked.

"You're a goddess now! You can do anything, hello!"

"I cannot undo this!"

"Excuse me... WHAT?!"

"A spell like this can only be undone by the one who has cast it! You cast the spell, so you have to get rid of it! It has to be you, Lord Hades!"

"I-I-I-I-I..." Hades looked at Maleficent, then back at the creature before he fell to his knees, gripping his hair. He screamed in frustration. "I CAN'T! I can't do this! I can't do anything right! I was wrong, Maleficent! Your job is SO much harder than I thought! You have to control monsters and work in the darkness and do it all alone! It takes such a strong, smart being to do what you do!"

Maleficent paused, then she knelt down next to him. "And that being is you. I walked a day in your shoes. I thought all you had to do was sit on a throne, smile, and be feared all the time, but I was wrong. I see that now. There is so much more to it than that."

Hades looked at Maleficent and he smirked at her, almost entranced by her bright yellow eyes. That was when he noticed a large fraction of stone wall hurtling towards them. He gasped and pulled Maleficent out of the way before taking the scepter and forming a ring of blue fire around them, just like he did at Aurora and Phillip's coronation. Maleficent blinked a few times in surprise and gazed at Hades; that was when she noticed how unusually handsome he really looked. Then they turned their attention back to the creature; it snarled at them through the flames.

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