The Final Battle

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As the dragonified Hades flew through the air, he couldn't help but smile a big toothy smile; he had never felt so free in his life. His two minions, on the other hand, felt ready to jump out of their skins; this ride was even faster and bumpier than the chariot ride from before. Pain and Panic clung onto the bright blue spines lining their boss's back and screamed like there was no tomorrow, but Dementia was riding atop his scaly back as if she were riding a horse, happily hooting and hollering all the while.

"Woo-hoo, yeah! Ride 'em, cowboy!" She cried out.

"Glad to see one us is having a good time!" Pain said sarcastically.

The three Fairies were riding with Dementia and tightly holding on to her; the trio could already fly on their own, but they also knew they couldn't keep up with Hades by themselves at the speed he was going.

"Do you think we lost her?" Flora asked.

"I sure hope so." Merryweather replied.

"I can still see her horrid face!" Fauna cried.

But then as he was soaring through the night sky, Hades suddenly felt something sharp and hot shoot him in the backside and he nearly toppled forward in the air.

"OW! What was THAT?!" He cried out.

Pain and Panic gasped when they looked to see what shot at them.

"Uh, boss? You're not gonna like this." Pain said nervously.

"Not like what?" Hades asked before he felt another sharp pain in the tail.

"Um, it's Persephone... and she's shooting LIGHTNING AT US!!" Panic screamed.

"What?!" Dementia asked before she, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather turned around to see that Pain and Panic were right.

They saw that Persephone was following them, driving the chariot she stole and hurling Zeus's thunderbolts left and right at Hades; she wore an expression that was a mix of furious and insane. She was even screaming like a madwoman as she drove.

"You overgrown reptile! Get back here!" She shouted, throwing another bolt at Hades; this time, it hit him in his left leg.

He cried out in pain and stumbled a bit in the air, but kept on flying, focused on the dire task at hand. As he tried to avoid the lightning thrown in his direction, Hades flew up and down and left and right, but Persephone was still hot on his tail. Most of the other thunderbolts she threw missed and caused huge lightning strikes and massive thunderclaps to go off all around them. But Persephone didn't care; she was out for blood and she was more than determined to get it.

"Putrid vermin, parasites! You will pay for this!" She yelled.

"She's out of her mind!" Merryweather cried.

"I could've told you that!" Pain replied.

"Guys, I can't shake her off!" Hades shouted.

"Maybe that's because she's a KILLING MACHINE FROM THE FUTURE!" Panic screamed. Pain, Dementia, and the Fairies gave him weird looks. "...Or not."

Dementia and Merryweather facepalmed.

"Wait, I have an idea!" Hades said as he closed his eyes; his hair grew brighter as he concentrated. "To the Forbidden Mountain!" He then took a deep breath and blew an enormous plume of blue fire from his mouth; a fiery blue ring suddenly formed in the sky.

And while retracting his wings as quickly as he could, Hades flew straight through the hole, taking Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Pain, Panic, and Dementia with him, keeping their eyes closed all the while. They all reluctantly opened their eyes and saw that they were a good ways away from the Forbidden Mountain... in Aurora and Phillip's kingdom and they were now getting closer. He spread his wings again and hovered over the land, happy to see the spell he cast had worked.

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