Only You

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"I'm telling you, he doesn't want to see anyone!" Charon said as he rowed Rhea down the River Styx towards Hades' palace.

"I don't care! He's my son and I am going to see him whether he wants me to or not!" Rhea argued before the ferry reached the dock. She stepped out of the bed, flipped her hair, gave Charon a tiny 'humph', and walked up the stairs to the palace without saying another word.

"What? No tip?" The ferryman asked, sounding a bit miffed.

Rhea ignored his salty comment and continued climbing up the stairs. Ever since Maleficent left the ball, Hades also left soon after midnight and no one had been able to reach him for several hours. Rhea wanted to know why her youngest child was acting in such a manner, so she decided that her best bet was to go see him in person. Then she finally made it to the doorway leading to the throne room, but Pain and Panic quickly stopped her from entering. They were both wearing sunglasses and standing up straight like a pair of security guards.

"Halt! No one is allowed entry!" They said in unison.

"Not even your boss's mother?" Rhea asked, placing her hands on her hips and furrowing her brow.

"Especially not his mother!" Dementia said as she hovered over Pain and Panic; she was wearing the exact same glasses as them. "Sorry, but the boss specifically said no visitors. No exceptions."

"Are you joking?" The Titaness said before she noticed Hades slouching in his throne. He had taken his clothes off and was only wearing his black chiton around his waist with his bare chest visible and a saddened and emotionless look on his face. "I can see him right there!"

"Yes, yes. I know, but still. The least you can do, as his mom, is respect his wishes and leave him be." Dementia retorted.

"What makes you think you can speak to me this way? I used to be Queen of the Cosmos; you have no right to treat me like this! I demand satisfaction!"

"Oh, don't give me that. I've seen your type before, lady."

"MY type?!"

"You know: entitled, privileged, thinks she can walk all over everybody!"

"I beg your pardon?!"

"Do I HAVE to repeat myself?!"

"Why you little—"

"QUIET!" Hades screamed as he threw a fireball at the doorway, causing Rhea and the trio of imps to jump back in surprise. He glared at the group and snarled, not wanting to deal with anyone's nonsense.

"Hades! How dare you throw a fireball at your own mother?!" Rhea shrieked in shock.

"Mother, PLEASE don't start! I am NOT in the mood! I just wanna be left alone." Hades said, slumping forward and frowning.

Rhea shook her head and sighed. "I don't understand, Hades. What has gotten into you? You've been like this ever since that woman left the ball the night before." Then she noticed something sitting on the right armrest of the throne; it was Maleficent's lost shoe. "You need to stop this moping. She left; it's not worth crying over. There are plenty of other women out there. And if you ask me, I believe she wasn't fit to be your bride anyway."

"NOBODY ASKED YOU!!" Hades screamed in pure, raw rage. Rhea jumped back in response, shocked by her son's sudden outburst; she hadn't expected him to be so defensive. The flame-haired God breathed heavily as he slowly calmed down. "You don't know Maleficent like I do. She's not like anyone I've ever seen or met before. She's just so... magnificent." His face slowly started to turn red as he thought of her.

"I knew you had feelings for her." A new voice said.

Rhea turned around to see Nyx walking up the stairs and stopping right next to her. She glowered at the Goddess of the Night.

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