The Rescue

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"Lady Meg?" The Fairies called out in a whisper.

Meg perked up at the sound and looked to see three little lights, one red, one green, and one blue, floating across the hall. Her eyes widened.

"Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather?" She asked.

"Huh?" Margalo asked.

Meg put a finger to her lips, took Margalo's hand, and they snuck over to another corner of the hall, a good ways away from Hades' door. The three Fairies turned back to their original sizes and made their way over to the two Goddesses.

"Lady Meg! Oh, are we glad to see you!" Merryweather cried.

"It's good to see you guys too, but what are you three doing here?" Meg asked.

"We're on a mission." Fauna replied. "And I assume you two were out doing Goddess things?"

"Yeah, and we just got back." Meg replied.

"Thank goodness, because we need all the help we can get right now." Flora said.

"Uh, okay. Margalo here. Quick question: what the heck is going on here?!" Margalo cried before Merryweather quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

"Shush! Not so loud, dear." The little fairy in blue hissed. "Someone might hear you."

Margalo was still confused by the whole situation, but she reluctantly nodded and remained silent as Merryweather removed her hands from her mouth. She took in a shaky breath.

"Okay. Now will someone please tell me what's happening? Hades is chained up in one of the guest bedrooms? And Persephone is acting like a total evil nutcase?" The young Goddess asked.

"Yes. Persephone hired a group of monsters to take over Mount Olympus and she's holding all of the other Gods hostage." Fauna explained.

"The entire Pantheon is crawling with spiders and snakes. And the worst part is that she's forcing Hades to marry her tomorrow morning." Flora added.

The pair of Goddesses gasped.

"But why?" Meg asked.

"We don't know. But all we do know is that she used to be a lover of Hades and now she wants him all for herself. This. CANNOT. Happen. It's obvious that he doesn't love her." Merryweather said.

Meg paused and her eyes widened in realization. "Persephone must've been with Hecate when Maleficent was poisoned! She must be doing all of this because she's jealous!"

"Maleficent? That green lady with the horns from the ball? She was poisoned?!" Margalo asked.

"With Hecate's deadliest herb, yeah. We have to stop Persephone and bust Hades out."

"But Meg, you used to work for Hades when you were still mortal and you guys hated each other. Why would you wanna help him?"

"Because no one deserves such a terrible fate, not even someone like Hades. Even if we disagree." Flora answered.

Meg sighed. "You're right. I want in."

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather beamed happily in response before turning to Margalo, waiting for her to answer.

Margalo thought for a moment before she finally made a decision. "...Me too. But we'll need a plan."

Merryweather smiled. "Yes, we will. And I think I already have one." She then took Persephone's keys out from the folds of her dress and jingled them in front of everyone. Flora and Fauna gasped.

"Merryweather, how did you get those?" Fauna asked.

"Snatched them from her belt when she wasn't looking." The youngest of the sisters proudly replied.

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