1. Fresh Start

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POV: Kelly

The suburbs. If anyone had ever told me 2 years ago that I would be living in a suburb one day, I would have fell off my chair laughing.

Look at me now though, living in a suburban house with a yard. I prefer being a city girl through and through but the suburbs have been growing on me of late.

I moved here 6 months ago and have managed to keep a somewhat low profile. A low profile is almost impossible in the suburbs...everyone is in everyone's business. It's why I hated suburbs to begin with. In the city you can hide in plain sight, because generally people mind their own business.

I came here for a fresh start after a close brush with the police regarding my business. See I am a very wanted woman. My face is not out there so even when police search, they would literally walk past me. I'm here today because on my last job things went awry and I had to expedite my retirement plans.

I had always said that once I reached a certain amount of money I would retire, so maybe this retirement in the suburbs will be short-lived. I still have more work to do.

So here I am getting dressed to go out, so much for a low profile. I couldn't exactly keep saying 'no' forever, that will make me the neighbourhood gossip bit for being a recluse. Someone may even get the mind to try and dig up information about me. That will not end well.

Cynthia, who owns the local coffee shop, insisted I got out to a bar with her for happy hour.

"Oh come on Kelly, you are going to like it. It will be fun. Say yes." She pleaded and I sighed heavily.

"You may even meet a hot guy. That bar has birthed some marriages in the neighbourhood." She added wink and I burst out laughing.

That is the last thing on my mind but I agreed anyway because I could not handle anymore begging from her. A marriage? That sounded ridiculous to me. It was great to see it working out for other people. I just don't think I'm one of them.

My life is not suited for relationships or marriage. Sooner or later people start asking questions or you slip up and things just unravel and people's lives end up hanging in the balance.

There's a knock at my door and it's Cynthia. She looks hot in a little black dress and high heels.

"Well damn Cyn. You look great." She flicked her hair and said, "I know. You look good as well. Are you ready to shake your booty?" She asked doing a little shimmy.

"Oh my gosh Cynthia. Let's go." We laughed as we got into the taxi. I was wearing black skinny jeans with a black crop top paired with black heels and some dainty jewellery.

The bar was great, not as shabby as I imagined it would be. We got some drinks and found a table. The music was not too loud and the bar was not overflowing with people yet.

I hate to admit it, but I am having fun, or it could be the 3 three cocktails and tequila shots I drank talking. I don't remember when last I did this...it could be never. I am usually very guarded. Let's call it occupational hazard.

The drinks are flowing, the music is banging and a hot guy keeps checking me out. It looks like he's with some friends so I decided to be bold and walk over to their table. Liquid courage, if you may.

"Dance with me." I said and pulled him to the dance floor. He didn't hesitate and followed me with a smile.

He's a good dancer, a little nervous but good. We swayed to music and he gets more comfortable placing his hands on my waist. The tension was thick between us and I didn't want the song to end. We can't always have what we want. After the song ended,  I smiled and turned to walk away but he pulled me back.

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