Part One

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"If you want someone and want them to be happy, let them go, if they truly love you, they will find a way back to you."

-Anmol Andore

Chapter One

She wasn't expecting her life to turn upside down like this. One moment she was madly in love, the next she was totally heartbroken. She wasn't good enough for him. Well, that's what she keeps telling herself that.

'You weren't good enough for him, that's why he left you.'

Every day she tells her the same. Every day she does the same routine. Get up, make breakfast, go to work, go home, and eat dinner, sleep, then mourn over her loss. Or losses, more than one loss that's for sure.

Eight years ago...

"Hi, I'm Four." A tall masculine figure approaches her. She doesn't hear him, she's listening to her iPod. After about five minutes of trying to get the girl's attention, he gives up and sits next to her. He sighs, and takes one of her earbuds and places it in his ear. The young girl is totally startled. Never in her life did she ever imagine for someone to randomly approach her and take one of her earbuds out and pretty much do what the man did. But, she ignores it, and continues resting her eyes and listen to her songs. Maybe it is the fact that she enjoys the random stranger's company that she hasn't scolded him yet. Or maybe it's the fact that for some reason she doesn't find this creepy at all.

But why exactly is she not doing anything about it...?

"You have really good taste in music, I'll give you that." His voice is soothing. Deep, but soothing.

"Uhm, thanks. May I ask why you are here?" She hasn't yet glanced at the man, once. But when she does, she is met with dark, peculiar blue eyes that glisten in the light.

"A pretty lady like you shouldn't be sitting in the library alone in the corner." He answers.

"What if I want to be alone in the corner?" She snaps.

"If you did, you would have said something a while ago." He's right, she would have.

"What's your name?"

"Four. Four Eaton."

"That's strange. That can't be your real name." She says more of a statement, not a question.

"No, it's not. May I ask what your name is?"

"Tris. Tris Prior." She answers.

"Lovely name for a lovely lady." He flirts.

"Thanks, but I should get going. I have to meet a friend in like half an hour, and he hates it when I'm late." Four's heart sank a little when she said he.

"Okay, but I hope we will meet again, Tris Prior." He stands up. He's a good eight inches taller than her.

"Yeah, I bet we will."

A year later (Seven years ago)...

"So where exactly are you taking me?" Tris asks as she closes her front door.

"It's a secret." He responds bluntly.

"You know, Tobias," she starts. Three months after their little encounter in the library, Four finally told Tris his real name. "I really hate surprises." She finishes. "Like I really hate surprises."

"Well, my Tris, you are not in luck because I am not telling you where I am taking you," Tobias responds.

She groans in frustration, "whatever."

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