Valentine's One Shot

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A/N: What I really like about this story is that there is a five year gap in Tris and Tobias' relationship and I'm allowed to write whatever I want to fill in the gap. So here's a little Valentine's story because we all know Tobias and Tris aren't going to get together for a while. Here's my gift to you. This is dedicated to all those single ladies/men out there. Enjoy!!

Valentine's Day.
(Eight years ago)

Tris' POV

I browse through my Netflix account looking for something to watch. Of course, Christina must be coming today. Valentine's Day and all. I could care less. I mean, I believe in love and all, it's just, why is there one specific day to show your significant other that you love them? Valentine's Day is just bull shit. You should be telling your partner that you love them all the time instead of buying all this crap on one day to express your love.

It doesn't matter anyways, my love life is...who am I kidding, I don't have a love life.

As I finally settle down to a TV show, Supernatural, one of the best things ever, I hear a knock on the door. Groaning, I drag myself to the door and look through the peephole.

"Four, hi." I say opening the door. "What are you doing here?"

He has this huge smile on his face. Okay, I take that back, I don't have a love life, but I can't deny the fact that I have an attraction towards Four.

"I should be asking you the same." He leans against the doorframe. "It's Valentine's Day. Shouldn't you be hanging out with your boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Girlfriend, then?" He looks a tad worried for a seconds.

"Nope, no girlfriend either."

"Okay, I wouldn't have judged. But good. Do you want to do something with me?"

"Like what?" He invites himself in, and sits on my couch. "Okay then." I breath out as he makes himself comfortable.

"How about you and I have a movie marathon?"

"I was already watching something."

"What?" It's as if he's staring into my soul. Gosh, he's so damn attractive.

"I was watching Supernatural." I tell him.

"Okay, good. I love that show!" Could he get any better?

Just then, an idea pops in my head. "Do you want to do a video with me?" I ask, hoping he'd agree.

"Video? For what?" He asks.

"Zeke didn't tell you? I'm a YouTuber." I say simply.

"Oh right! Oh in that case, I'd love to make a video with you. What are you planning on?"

"You'll see." I grab Four by the arm and drag him to my bedroom. I set up my camera equipment and then sit down on my bed. I pat the spot next to me and he sits down as well. I get up momentarily to turn on the camera.

"Okay. Hey guys, I'm here with my friend, Four. Yes, I know, it's a nickname. Don't ask." I smile and quickly glance at him. He's looking at me with this look on his face.

I snap out of my temporary trance and look back into the camera.

"So happy Valentine's Day! And for all of you single people out there, kudos for you. I find the holiday incredibly stupid."

Four interrupts her. "You don't like Valentine's Day?" I shake my head. "But it's the day of love."

"I know." I sigh. "But look at it this way. Let's say I loved you. Will I love you tomorrow? In a week? Why is it that there's one specific day that couples make a big deal to show their affection for one another? They should be showing that they love one another all the time instead of just one specific day. But it doesn't matter. I'm single, and I'm proud." I say. I look at Four and he looks in deep thought.

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