Part Two

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Eight years ago...

"So Tris, you're telling me you met a guy, all by yourself?" Christina, her best friend, since eighth grade asks her.

"Yes, Chris, I found a guy all by myself. You know how I go to the public library every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays? So, I was listening to a song, I don't even remember what it was, but anyways, he sat down next to me, took one of my earbuds out and placed it in his ear. After like a few songs we had a conversation. Oh my god, I think I'm going to faint. He looked like a freaking god. Like when god created him, he accidentally poured too much sexy. He's so fucking hot." Tris ends up rambling on and on about her guy friend she met while Chris, sits there entertained by the fact that her best friend is talking about a boy. A boy! She never talks about boys ever, well, unless it's about Uriah. But that's the only exception, when she is talking about Uriah, she's telling Chris about something stupid he had done.

"I must meet this Four. He seems like someone special."


"Hi." Four leans on her doorframe of the apartment she shares with Chris.

"So I was thinking we could hang out like right now." Tris purposes.

"I like that idea." He smiles.

"Tris, I'm going to go and buy more groceries, call me if you need any-- Oh dear damn, uhm hi." Chris freezes mid-step and looks at the two people.

"Hey...Chris. This is my friend, Four." Friend...he doesn't like that word coming out of her mouth. Don't get him wrong, he just met the girl, but he wants to be more than friends with her. The two of them ran into each other at the library again. Well, he ran into her on purpose, she on the other hand was more surprised of the encounter. They started hanging out more often, every Wednesdays and Fridays, and sometimes on the weekends.

"Woah, she's right, you are freaking hot. You know Four, Tris goes on and on about you all the time, I'm surprised that you two haven't--"

"Chris." She hisses, "don't you have groceries to buy?"

"Oh, right. Well, you two have fun. I'll be on my way--"

"Okay, okay, bye! Have fun!" Tris slams the short before Christina can say another word. She sighs, relieved.

" go on and on about me, eh?" He teases her.

"Shut up! You were not suppose the hear that. That was my roommate by the way, we've been best-friends since eighth grade. She can be quite the, "loudmouth"."

"I see."

Present day...

"I'm so excited, Uri!" Tris is practically bouncing up and down in her chair. The airplane attendance are giving her weird looks. She ignores them.

"Calm down, Bea. This isn't even your first Vidcon, this is like your seventh." Uriah tries to calm her down, but it just makes her even more excited.

"Still, I'm excited. Do you know what I just realized, we haven't done a video with Anthony and Ian in a really long time. We should do that. Oh my god, and then we should also do one with Tyler. Gosh, I can't wait to see them!" Tris rambles on about all her favorite Youtube friends, while Uriah just sits there not even trying to attempt to calm her down anymore.

"Yeah, yeah. Tris, Zeke's flying in the next flight and he said he's bringing a friend." Uriah informs her.

"Oh okay, do you know who the friend is?"

"I think it might be some girl he likes, but I don't actually think so."

"Zeke likes a girl? Oh my god, I can actually have a friend that--"

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