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[Front row: NightStalk, Melyssa (Kidney Beans on top), DayStalk
Bottom row: Debbeye, Mudslinger "Mud"]

Debbeye: Whoever followed up on the Wads, we are terribly sorry. An incident came up where we cannot reach them, so we're starting over on here.

Mud: Which means the Guest characters are not ours, we don't treat realistic people as intellectual property, all Resident names who align with real people are coincidental, there may be foul language, yada yada yada. Who would want to steal this crap, vultures?

Debbeye: I don't know, it was a warning  from codename "Olympia."

Mud: I bet it was the necromancer Delilah who bugged the book.

Debbeye: Mud, stop it, she's not even here.

Melyssa: Why not?

DayStalk: 'Cause she's a witch.

NightStalk: *shrills at their twin* DayStalk!

Debbeye: Nevertheless, we're finding the joy in writing in this space again.

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