Leaping to Conclusions

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● 2/29/2024

Debbeye: Sorry we're late. I had to do damage control because one of Platinum's *air quotes* "Catalyst Guardians" ate one of Hell's overlords. I talked with Charlie, she wasn't fond of Valentino, especially how he treated a certain resident of her hotel.

Mud: *stroking the fluffy, white collar of a red coat* Topaz isn't an angelic weapon, Valentino might respawn in Hell with no memory of what transpired. *mutters* Bloody bastard.

Debbeye: Also, Historia brought a dark, red coat which spread into butterfly wings, and she wanted me to give the coat wings to Mud for Valentine's Day.

Mud: Still comfy, I can mask the smell. Thanks again, love.

Debbeye: Don't mention it. Really, it feels wrong, even by Historia's standards.

Mud: Didn't she take a banded ring from a dust tycoon?

Debbeye: After how Jacques treated his daughters, I actually praised Platinum's decision to turn him into one of her mons.

Platinum: *peeks in* Bad news; Needles  ate Jacques.

Debbeye: Damn it, Plat! Are you saying Valentino wasn't your first causality?

Platinum: Essence of Sweet Tooth, what did you expect?

Debbeye: Glalie are not ice cream, that much I understand.

Platinum: They're like snowballs with horns.

Melyssa: *dashes in* Mums, Aunt Platinum, I found a Glass Crab. Their name is Mia.

Mud: Why hello, Mia

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Mud: Why hello, Mia.

[One of Mia's top back limbs lifts up and waves.]

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