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I had been taking up more shifts at The Fairytale. I enjoyed the work, but every time I wasn't being touched by someone, my eyes drifted to the entrance, wishing that Mickey would walk through. But, much to my dismay, he didn't, at least, not while I was looking. If he did walk through, I hadn't noticed.

As the night went on, many men of many sizes walked up to my stage, each of them looking at my body with lust in their eyes. A man walked up to my stage, two $100 bills in his hand as he smirked, about to place them in between my body and my gold thong. Right before I felt the two notes on my skin, I watched as the man was pushed away from me, the other man hidden behind the light that was slightly affecting my vision.

"Those fingers go anywhere near that cock, I'm gonna break every knuckle in your hand, all 15 of them." I rolled my eyes. Mickey was interfering with my job. Not wanting to cause any trouble, I kept dancing.

"Settle down. Anyway, a hand only has 14 knuckles." The man hissed back, Mickey clearly not interested in continuing the conversation.

"You want to fucking die?" He threatened, the other man rushing off.

"Jesus Christ, Mick. You really can't make up your fuckin' mind, can you?" I asked, Mickey looking around.

"W- Where's your ring?" He seemed hurt to see that I wasn't wearing my wedding ring.

"It's packed away in my locker. You know, a gay man is less likely to fuck me if I'm wearing my wedding ring." I smirked, Mickey looking like he was about to punch me.

"Look, Mick. A regular of mine invited me, and in turn you, to an after-hours at his loft. It's fun." I smiled.

"Really? You have a fuckin' regular? What, you keep fuckin' him in the ass and he comes back for more?" Mickey scoffed.

"First of all, he gets one dance from me during each of my shifts. Second of all, he's interested in meeting you." I explained.

"No fucking way. Just because we're married, don't mean I'm gonna meet some regular you keep dancing for." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong with fun?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing. Unless it involves some fat faggot shoving his hands down-" I stopped him, attempting to kiss him, but he pushed me away.

"-No! Fuck." Mickey looked around. He seemed nervous, but as the music played and other patrons just walked around, he smiled, placing his lips on mine. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

"My shift ends in 25 minutes. I'd appreciate it if you were a good husband and waited at the bar for me?" I smiled at Mickey, who rolled his eyes, before nodding.

I got back to work, watching as Mickey stood at the bar, ordering a drink of some sort. Eventually, my shift ended. I put on my normal clothes and took Mickey to the location that my regular had sent me.


"Check out these digs. Look at that view." I smiled as Mickey and I walked through the front door, at least 30-45 other men in the apartment.

"What does this joker do?" Mickey scoffed, looking around.

"He's an engineer and part-time photographer. I think he took some of these pictures actually." I smiled, admiring some of the photography.

"Oh, yeah? Why'd he want you to come here then, huh?" Mickey chuckled.

"Oh, come on, not everybody wants something from me, Mick." I rolled my eyes.

"Ian. So happy you could make it." Ryan smiled as he hugged me, Mickey giving the guy a death glare.

"Hey, this is Mickey." I smiled, Mickey trying to act calm.

"Delighted to meet you." Ryan and Mickey shook hands before the drinks came and we all started getting drunk.

From the moment we arrived at the apartment, to the moment drinks were consumed, I watched in curiosity as Ian talked and had fun with men who seemed a little older than him. I mean, he's 18 and most of the men at this after-party seemed to be at least between the ages of 25 and 55. I mean, Ryan himself looked to be about 23-24 years old.

I woke up from my sleep to see Ryan hovering over me. At first, I had no idea that it was him, and so my fight response kicked in. He jumped back in shock, but ended up smiling.

"Whoa! Whoa. Easy, killer. I'm taking breakfast orders. Scrambled eggs, pancakes or French toast?" Ryan asked as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Eggs." I answered back, feeling the effects of the little amount of alcohol that I actually drank. I wasn't hungover, but I wasn't free of alcohol either.

"And what do you think he'll want?" Ryan asked.

"How the fuck should I know, man? I'm not his keeper." I groaned, watching as Ryan chuckled

"Right. Didn't mean to assume. So...did you guys just meet last night, or are you together?" Ryan asked. I figured that someone would ask that, considering Ian wasn't wearing his wedding ring.

"Together. Married, actually." I lifted my hand, showing off my wedding ring to Ryan, who seemed shocked at first, before smiling.

"Cool. You're a lucky dude." Ryan smiled before walking away from me.

I looked down at a sleeping Ian, watching as he chest went up and down. My gaze went to a group of men drinking coffee over near the window and a trio of men making breakfast.

Searching his jacket, I found where his wedding ring was. Removing it from his necklace, I gently placed it on his left ring finger, smiling at how natural it looked.

As much as I hated admitting it, telling someone that Ian and I were married, it felt refreshing. I finally admitted my marriage to Ian and the person I told didn't scoff or roll his eyes. He just smiled and complimented us.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now