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Fiona and I found it more useful if we didn't constantly ask Ian if he was okay. We sat at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in Fiona's hands as she looked around. As for me, a cigarette rested in my mouth.

"I'm sorry." I spoke up, Fiona putting her cup down.

"Did Mickey Milkovich just apologise to me?" Fiona laughed.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"But I am sorry." I continued.

"For what?" Fiona asked, confused.

"For being a prick. Y'know, acting like Ian isn't my family now. Like he isn't my husband." I took the cigarette out of my mouth.

"It's okay, Mickey. That's all in the past now. You're here now and that's what matters." Fiona smiled.

"Y'know, I never really understood how much you cared about your siblings before today. I mean, yeah, if Mandy got attacked by a dude, I'd find him and bash his head into the pavement, but you? You would drop whatever you were doing just to make sure that your siblings are okay." I looked at Fiona, who exhaled.

"If Lip stole a car, you'd stop whatever you were doing just to bail him out of jail. If Debbie was having relationship issues, you wouldn't hesitate to drop what you're doing to make sure she's okay." I explained.

"That's what family is for. You help family, no matter the cost." Fiona smiled, leaning back.

"Yeah, well, my dad is more likely to go on the run from the cops instead of bailing one of us out of jail." I laughed, Fiona rolling her eyes.

Without warning, we heard a loud bang upstairs, causing Fiona and I to jump out of our chairs, rushing upstairs. We watched in confusion as Ian looked panicked.

"MPs. They're coming. I can't let them get in the house." Ian ran past Fiona and I, heading down the stairs that was closer to the front door. He grabbed the bat on his way down.

"Hello to you too?" Fiona looked at Ian, who ran to the front door, opening it slightly. He then moved to opening the curtains, a look of fear in his eyes.

"Move the couch in front of the door, so they can't get in." Ian kept panicking, trying his best to move the couch.

"Who?" I asked, confused.

"Help me." Ian grunted, being unsuccessful in moving the couch.

"Ian." Fiona tried to get his attention, but it didn't work.

"They're coming to get me. Don't let them get me." Ian cried out, running to the back door and opening it slightly.

"Hey, Ian. Calm down." I insisted as Ian held the bat defensively, still running around in panic.

"They're gonna take me away." Ian cried.

"No one is coming for you." I held Ian as his eyes darted.

Just as Ian was starting to lower the bat, the bathroom door opened, causing Ian to swing the bat as hard as he could. Debbie screamed and looked at Ian in fear, having nearly been hit by the bat that had now left a dent in the door.

"Fuck." Fiona gasped. Ian realised what he had nearly done and lowered the bat, clearly sleep deprived, possibly making the lack of medication worse.

"Hey, hey." I angrily but gently removed the bat from his hands.

"There is nobody out there. Fucking look." I unlocked and swung the back door wide open, watching as Ian looked carefully outside.

"Get over here. Get over here." I gently held Ian's arm as I took him to the front door, Fiona shutting the back door.

"Ian, it's only gonna get worse." Fiona looked at Ian, concerned.

"Look." I opened the front door, Ian once again taking a careful look outside. I shut the door, Ian looking between me, Fiona and Debbie, who stood by the fridge.

"We gotta get you to a fucking clinic. Get some more meds. Today." I insisted, Ian nodding.

"Hey, it's okay. It's all right. Let's go get dressed." I smiled, putting my hand around the back of his neck as I placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

As we headed upstairs, I handed the bat to Fiona. Within 25 minutes, Fiona, Ian and I were on our way to the clinic.

"I- I don't want to take meds." Ian spoke up.

"Ian, if you don't get more meds, your paranoia is only going to get worse." Fiona insisted.

"Yeah, and you might end up actually hurting someone. I mean, you nearly hit Debbie for Christ' sake." I held Ian's hand, comforting him.

"I- I need to go and get actual help." Ian continued.

"What, like a psych ward?" Fiona questioned.

"Y- Yes." Ian sighed, his head now on my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes." Ian seemed confident in his decision.

"Okay. We'll get you checked in soon. But for now, we're going to take you home and rest." Fiona spoke as she turned the car around, now heading back home.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now