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Opening my eyes, I removed the eye mask that I had been wearing and took out the earbuds that rested in my ears. I smiled when I saw the time on my alarm clock. It was 9:15. I didn't have work 'til tonight and for the first time in years, I didn't need to help get anyone up and ready. I took all of my meds for the morning. Slowly making my way downstairs, Fiona and Lip looked up at me with confusion.

"Morning sleepy-head." Fiona smiled.

"Morning." I smiled, getting some coffee into a cup.

"You seem...happier than usual. You off your meds?" Fiona asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'm on my meds. Took them before." I smiled.

"Good. But it still doesn't explain why you're so happy?" Lip smirked.

"I guess I'm just well rested." I sipped my coffee.

"You're usually the first one awake." Fiona added.

"Well, I put in some earbuds, put an eye mask on and drifted to sleep. It's the first time in years that I've actually had a decent nights sleep." I laughed, sitting down.

"Wow. I think you're the first Gallagher to actually have a decent nights sleep without the influence of alcohol or drugs." Fiona laughed.

As Fiona put some food on a plate for me, my phone buzzed.

Mickey: Ian, call me, please.

Mickey: I know you're reading these messages.

Mickey: Just fucking call me, Ian!

I ignored the messages, placing my phone down on the table. Mickey called me again. This time, Lip grabbed my phone and saw the screen before I had time to turn off the screen.

"Why's Mickey Milkovich calling you?" Lip asked, showing Fiona.

"Mickey and I had this...arrangement thing, and I backed out at the last minute." I lied.

"Was this arrangement legal or illegal?" Fiona asked, concerned.

"Knowing the Milkovich family, it was probably illegal." Lip laughed.

"It was illegal. I backed out because I didn't want to risk getting caught." I lied more, hoping the conversation would end.

"Good choice. Once you mess with the Milkovich family, you might never escape." Fiona warned, handing my phone back to me.

I deleted all of Mickey's messages off my phone and put his contact as Do Not Disturb so that 1. I wouldn't receive his messages or calls and 2. So that no one would discover the secret.

When I headed back to my room with my breakfast, Lip followed me.

"If you need cash, you know where I hide it." I smiled, watching as Lip just stood in my doorway.

"Why was Mickey really calling you?" Lip asked, a look of seriousness on his face.

"What?" I laughed.

"Why was Mickey really calling you? I know that you're not stupid enough to make any sort of deals or arrangements with any member of the Milkovich family. Did you and Mickey get into some sort of legal trouble?" Lip asked, confused.

"What? No." I rejected his suggestion.

"Then why the fuck is Mickey calling you? There has to be a reason, Ian-" Before Lip could freak out any more, I grabbed the piece of paper from its hiding spot and shoved it in front of him.

"-what the hell is this?" Lip asked, confused.

"It's the real reason why Mickey is trying to contact me." I explained.

"Is this real, like an actual legal marriage certificate?" Lip smirked.

"Yes." I admitted.

"Did Mickey get married? To who?" Lip laughed.

"Read the names." I rolled my eyes.

"I blah, blah, blah, solemnised marriage in blah, blah, blah, between Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich and...Ian Clayton Gallagher." Lip read the offical document, looking dumbfounded at the names.

"Holy shit. If this is an actual legal document- you're married to Mickey?!" Lip exclaimed.

"Shut up! I don't want Fiona to hear!" I panicked.

"When and why did this happen?" Lip sat down, shocked.

"Mickey and I were drunk. One moment-" I tried to explain, but Lip stopped me.

"-you were drunk?! Ian! You've been prescribed Lithium, which when mixed with alcohol is dangerous. It only takes you one beer to get drunk, and even then, it'll feel like you've had 10 beers. What the fuck were you thinking?" Lip freaked out.

"Clearly I wasn't thinking, Lip." I rolled my eyes.

"You're seriously screwed if Fiona ever finds out." Lip laughed.

"Yep." I exhaled.

"Wait, so why is Mickey trying to reach you?" Lip asked, confused.

"When we found out, Mickey refused to acknowledge the marriage or the fact that I was his husband. Then, after finding out where I worked, he tried to persuade me into finding another job, using him being my husband as an argument. I then yelled at him and told him that I didn't consider him my husband, basically using his own tactic against him." I admitted.

"Holy shit. According to this piece of paper, you've been married for just over a week and you're already fighting like an old married couple." Lip laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now