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Terry's funeral was nothing short of shitty. The only people who actually attended the funeral were me, Mandy and Sandy. Mandy bought flowers that she plucked from gardens and Sandy bought a lighter. We arrived to the communal burial ground, finding Terry's cardboard box within at least a pile of 1500.

"Fuck you Terry." Mandy, Sandy and I hissed in unison as Sandy lit the flowers on fire, Mandy not hesitating to chuck the burning flowers onto the box, lighting the box and in turn Terry, on fire.

Fiona was extra cautious around me. She made sure that I took my meds. Every time I put a pill in my mouth, I wanted to puke it up or somehow spit it out. It didn't help that my meds weren't quite balancing out, meaning that I was sleeping all day.

For the first time in days, I was sitting on my porch, trying just to relax and breathe in the somewhat clean air. I watched as Mickey walked up to the fence.

"How are you doing? You okay?" Mickey asked as he opened the gate, walking toward me.

"I hate the meds. You gonna make me take 'em?" I faced Mickey, my hands clasped together as I sat on the cold steps of the porch.

"You get fucking nuts when you don't. You killed my fuckin' dad 'cause you were off your meds." Mickey chuckled.

"Are you gonna want to be with me even if I don't?" I asked, watching as Mickey looked at me like I just asked him a stupid question.

"You used to love me. Now you don't even know who I am. Shit, I don't know who I am half the time. You don't owe me anything." I stood up, putting my hands into my jean pockets.

"I love you. I mean, I married you for fuck's sake." Mickey tried to smile.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, limiting my vision slightly.

"It means we take care of each other." Mickey exhaled, trying to hold my hands.

"I don't want you sitting around, worrying, watching me, waiting for me to do my next crazy shit." I removed my hands from his, beginning to play around with my wedding ring. Mickey noticed and looked panicked.

"It means thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit." I noticed that Mickey was starting to play with his wedding ring as well.

"Do you really think that you'll stick around long enough to get through every manic episode? Do you really believe that you're strong enough to deal with me if I'm ever off my meds again?" I started to laugh sarcastically, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Fuck you." Mickey hissed, clearly upset and angry.

"No, thanks. I've already done that." I scoffed, turning away from him.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Mickey exhaled, confused.

"Too much! Too much is wrong with me. That's the problem, isn't it? Too much is wrong with me, and you can't do anything about that. You can't change it. You can't fix me, 'cause I'm not broken. I don't need to be fixed, okay? I'm me!" I started to yell, watching as Mickey backed away from me, clearly scared and confused by my sudden outburst.

"This is it. This is you breaking up with me." Mickey looked like he was trying to hold back tears.

"Yeah." I nodded slightly, Mickey looking at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked, his voice breaking slightly as he tried not to cry.

"Fuck." Mickey cursed as he looked at me with sorrow, pain and sadness before running off.

"Everything okay out here?" Fiona asked as she opened the front door, trying to keep herself warm.

"Mickey and I separated." I turned to look at Fiona, who exhaled.

"Oh, Ian." Fiona pulled me in for a hug as I cried. I let it all out, feeling my heart break at the thought of never being able to love Mickey like I had before we got married.

In all honesty, my relationship with Mickey had really gone downhill since we got married. Before we drunkenly tied the knot, we had a loving relationship that was expressed sexually and also friendship. But after we drunkenly tied the knot, our relationship was failing due to constant arguments and stupid fights.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now