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Trying to find a new job was really starting to piss me off. I went to go a find a job working at a retail store of some kind, and I walked past Kash and Grab, seeing the doors basically falling of their hinges, windows either smashed or vandalised and the main sign ripped in every conceivable place.

I looked for 3 hours, walking into every shop within the South Side of Chicago with no success. Deciding that maybe I would try again, I walked home. As I unlocked and opened the front door, I walked through the empty living room and kitchen, opening a cabinet to retrieve my medication. As I opened my medication, I felt a cloth go over my mouth, forcing me to fall asleep. Feeling my eyes close, I could hear the sound of my medication dropping.

I had tasked myself with searching for furniture that Ian would be happy with. Mind you, this task  was the most difficult thing I've had to do, and I've been on the run from the cops before.

After spending the day looking for furniture, all I wanted was to come home to my loving husband, hopefully naked on our bed. Getting up the steps to the house, I noticed that the front door was slightly ajar. I didn't worry, considering Ian often forgets to shut doors. Heading inside, I walked straight into my bedroom, noticing that the bed was made, but no Ian.

"Ian! I might have found a good living room set!" I smiled, thinking that Ian must have been in the bathroom.

When I opened the bathroom door to find it empty, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Ian?" I asked, confused.

"Yo Ian, where the fuck you at?" I yelled, hearing nothing. Walking cautiously into the kitchen, my heart dropped when I saw Ian's medication bottles laying on their sides, the lids off and the meds strewn around the bench. Putting the meds back in their bottles, I closed the bottles and put them away before searching the entire house, just in case Ian accidentally hurt himself.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Ian's number, feeling relieved when I heard that someone had picked up.

"Ian?! Where the fuck are you? Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"He ain't gonna be okay for very long." I groaned when I heard the voice.

"TERRY YOU BASTARD!" I yelled, almost throwing my phone across the empty house.

"What the fuck have you done to Ian?" I calmed down.

"Nothin'...yet." Terry hissed before hanging up my phone.

Putting my phone away, I clenched my fists.

"FUCK!" I yelled, bashing my fist against the wall.

Dialling Debbie's number, I tried to breathe deeply, keeping calm.

"What's up Mick?" She picked up.

"It's Terry. He escaped police custody and he took Ian." I could hear Debbie gasp.

"Fiona is going to flip when she finds out." Debbie panicked.

"Ian didn't get a chance to take his medication before Terry took him. It's only a matter of time before the mania and terrible decisions come." I warned.

"Okay. I'll get Fiona, Lip and Carl. We'll be at yours in 15." Debbie spoke before hanging up the call.

"Fiona's gonna kill me. No, she's gonna kill Terry, then me." I muttered to myself, pacing around my empty house. I was too nervous to drink or smoke, but I need a distraction.

For 10 minutes, I came up with a list of things that I could use as leverage against Terry. Then, I spent 5 minutes coming up with a list of things that I could give Terry in exchange for Ian.

Surprisingly, the list of things to give to Terry was longer than the list of things I could use as leverage.

Every moment that I waited for Fiona, Lip, Debbie and Carl to come, I worried as to what Fiona would do or say. I knew that she'd be pissed, but would that lead to verbal abuse or physical violence? Maybe both. Who knew. When I heard the front door open, my heart dropped. I was waiting for an angry response or angry gesture from Fiona, but surprisingly, the first thing I experienced was a hug from Fiona. She seemed too worried about Ian to express her negative emotions toward me.

I got a little confused when the hug lasted for more than a minute, but her grip only seemed to get tighter, until I felt a hard slap against my shoulder.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now