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I don't remember the last time that I did a deep clean of the kid's rooms. With that, I got started on Debbie's room, then Lip's room, then Liam and Carl's room. That left me with one room left, Ian's room.

As I cleaned, I wondered what secrets Ian might have been hiding, but knowing how important privacy was to him, I didn't intend to snoop around. His bed was tidied up and I moved on to giving his dresser a clean. Removing the various and random items off the top of the dresser, I sprayed over the area and began using a rag to wipe it down, but I stopped when a panel of wood moved. Stopping my cleaning, I focused on the panel of wood, rubbing it, watching as it moved back and forth. Slightly interested, I lifted it from it's place, looking at two specific items that were tucked away. My eyes widened.


When I entered the house after a nice trip to the nearest coffee shop, I walked through the living-room, then into the kitchen, watching as Fiona looked up from her hands, a look of disappointment on her face.

"Are these real?" She pushed the wedding ring and the marriage certificate toward me as I sat down.

"F- Fiona, I can explain..." I started to panic. I don't know how, but she found them.

"Are these real, Ian! Yes or no?" Fiona tried not to raise her voice as she looked at me, desperately wanting the truth.

"Yes." I watched as Fiona tried not to cry.

"Fuckin' hell, Ian. Are you off your meds again?" Fiona questioned me.

"What? No! Why the hell do you always assume that I'm off my meds when I do something slightly stupid or crazy?" I got upset, trying not to get angry.

"Oh, I don't know, you're an 18-year-old Bipolar male who has a real wedding ring and a real marriage certificate hidden underneath a loose wooden panel on top of your dresser. You don't think that getting married would be a good enough result of being off your meds?" Fiona sarcastically laughed.

"Stop acting like you know it all, Fiona! I'm not off my fucking meds, I was just drunk!" I yelled.

"You- You were drunk?! You're on fucking Lithium every day! Alcohol and Lithium do not mix!" Fiona got angry.

"I'm sorry Fiona!" I apologised, watching as Fiona tried to calm down.

"Okay. How long have you been married for, exactly?" Fiona tried not to seem uncomfortable.

"A month. But Mickey and I-" I explained.

"You married Mickey Milkovich? You know that's impossible right?" Fiona laughed.

"I was drunk. Not stupid. Also, how is me marrying Mickey impossible?" I asked, confused.

"Mickey's father is a racist homophobic asshole. I'm pretty sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Fiona rolled her eyes.

"Well clearly the apple did fall far from the tree, considering we were in an on and off relationship before we made the stupid decision to get married, which Mickey suggested by the way." I informed Fiona, who just laughed.

"Mickey's gay? Well, I definitely didn't see that coming." Fiona tried to calm down.

"Anyway, a month ago Mickey and I were fighting a lot, so we came to the mutual decision that even though legally we are married, we don't consider ourselves married." I explained, Fiona standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked, concerned.

"Nowhere, Ian." Fiona smiled.

That bastard needed to pay. Mickey needed to pay. I grabbed my sneakers and ran all the way down to the Milkovich household.

Knocking on the front door, I watched as Terry opened the door, a beer in his hand.

"What the fuck do you want, Gallagher?" He growled.

"I'm here to see Mickey." I informed Terry, who rolled his eyes.

"MICKEY!" Terry yelled.

I watched as Mickey walked to the front door, a look of confusion on his face. I pulled Mickey down the stairs and near the fence that separated his house from the street.

"You bastard!" I punched his face, watching as he cowered in pain.

"What the fuck!" He groaned. He attempted to fight back, but I stopped him.

"That's for suggesting marriage and then getting married to Ian!" I smirked.

"You know?" Mickey held his face.

"Yeah. I know." I punched him again.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ, Fiona. No need to punch me again!" Mickey yelled.

"Also, the next time you see Ian about to drink alcohol, don't let him drink it, you dumb fuck!" I punched Mickey one final time.

"He's not my problem anymore." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"You're married to him you fucking dickhead, so yes, he is your problem!" I hissed, hoping that Terry wasn't listening, although there was a high chance that he wasn't, considering his tendency to pass out.

"Ian and I agreed that just because our marriage is legal, doesn't mean we have to consider ourselves married. I can do my thing, he can do his thing, and if we want to see or fuck other people, then we can." Mickey explained.

"You really are fucked in the head, aren't you! You know Ian, Mickey. You know he's Bipolar and you know that sometimes his meds don't balance out properly. There's a real chance that what you and Ian agreed upon might not be what Ian really wants. He might have agreed not to consider being married to you, but deep down, he might not have felt the same way." I explained, watching as Mickey sighed.

"But I guess you don't really care though. I mean, you're just a heartless asshole like your dad, aren't you?" I hissed, walking away from Mickey, heading back home.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now