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Upon returning back to the Gallagher house, Mickey smiled.

"Here's the key!" I threw it to him, watching as he caught the key with a smile on his face.

"Shall we go check the place out?" I asked. Mickey nodded, following me back to the house.

I watched in joy as Mickey placed the key into the lock and unlocked the house, feeling a calm energy as we stepped onto the wooden floor.

"It looks...so different. I don't think I've ever seen this house look so perfect." Mickey smiled, walking around.

"Well, luckily for us, it's a three bedroom house, so we can turn the master bedroom into our bedroom, the second bedroom into a storage room and later into a child's bedroom, if we want. As for the last bedroom, it can be turned into a guest bedroom." I suggested, watching as Mickey laughed.

"Already thinking of ways to spice up the place, are we?" Mickey smiled.

"We have to get started some time, don't we?" I smiled.

"Hey, about our last names, for the purchase of the house. We should change them." Mickey spoke up, confusing me.

"To what?" I asked, now interested in what Mickey might suggest.

"Well, I want to be a Milkovich, but I also want to be a Gallagher." Mickey smiled, holding my hand.

"So, what does that mean?" I questioned, heading into Mickey's old room.

"Why don't we combine last names. Milkovich and Gallagher equal Gallavich." Mickey smiled.

"Ian and Mickey Gallavich? That has a nice ring to it..." I smiled.

"Will we change our last names on all legal documents, like passport, driver's license, etc?" I asked, Mickey nodding.

"Yep. Just makes it easier." Mickey smirked.

"How about we head down to the court house to get it official?" Mickey asked.

"Sure." I grinned, heading out of the house with Mickey. He locked the front door behind him.

As we made our way to the courthouse, I got a text from Debbie.

Debs: Fiona wants to know where you are.

Me: Well, not that it's any of her business, Mick and I are heading down to the courthouse to get our last names legally changed.

Debs: Changed? Changed to what?

Me: Gallavich.

Debs: Gallavich?

Me: Milkovich and Gallagher put together.

Debs: You know Fiona's gonna be pissed, right?

Me: Yep, and I don't give a shit.

Getting to the courthouse, I put my phone on silent, putting it back in my pocket.

Mickey and I started the process to change our last names. As we began the process, Mickey seemed happier than usual.

The process itself was long, but I didn't mind. The moment our last names were legally changed, Mickey couldn't help but smile.

Taking a photo of Mickey and I outside the courthouse, I sent it to my family, captioning it "say hello to Mr and Mr Gallavich".

As expected, my phone blew up with messages from Fiona, Lip, Carl and even Frank. Fiona's message was the only message I really cared about.

Fiona: You're so pissed at me that you changed your last name? What, you're no longer a Gallagher?

Me: To clarify, me changing my last name had nothing to do with you. Although, pissing you off was just an added bonus. As for the last name itself, it solidifies me as a Gallagher and a Milkovich, same for Mickey. Milkovich + Gallagher = Gallavich.

The walk back to the Gallagher house was calming. Mickey couldn't stop talking about how freeing being a Gallavich was, although him talking about being a Gallavich meant that he talked shit about both families.

As we got to the front porch of the Gallagher house, Fiona was waiting outside for us.

"So, Ian and Mickey Gallavich?" She looked hurt.

"Yep." Mickey smirked.

"Being a Gallagher wasn't enough for you?" Fiona rolled her eyes.

"Oh, stop being so dramatic, Fiona. I wanted to change our names. Besides, Ian is also legally a Milkovich now, so why not combine both names to avoid confusion?" Mickey exhaled, clearly unimpressed with Fiona's overreaction to the situation.

"You found a place yet?" She asked, trying not to cry.

"Yep. There's a house just a block away that Mickey and I have purchased. The paperwork will be completed and finalised in a month or two." Mickey held up the key as I spoke.

"Wow. You're really moving out." Fiona was struggling not to cry.

"Yep. Mandy will get a spare key and so will Debbie." I explained, watching as Fiona's face dropped.

"Debbie gets a key and I don't?" Fiona hissed.

"Well, last time I checked, Debbie wasn't the one who claimed that I wasn't stable enough to move." I hissed, pushing past Fiona.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now