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I hadn't been so uninterested in getting out of bed since Terry threatened the entire family with torture if he ever found out that any of us were gay.

But here I laid, my brain on autopilot as I stared up at the ceiling, counting from 20, then 10, then 5, every time expecting myself to get out of bed.

The longer I stared up at the ceiling, the more I saw Ian in my dreams. I couldn't help but play with my wedding ring, feeling nothing.

"Jesus. It's noon and you're still in bed?" Mandy asked as someone else came past.

"That's not a total surprise." Sandy smirked.

"Fuck off, Sandy!" I groaned.

"Why are you still in bed? Marital problems?" Mandy smiled.

"Ian told me that he doesn't consider me his husband." I rolled my eyes.

"Ahh, so he did the same thing to you, that you did to him. Hahaha. Karma, bitch." Mandy laughed.

"I thought marriages were supposed to be fun, loving. Not full of fights, gay bars and secrets." I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa, okay. How long have you and Ian been married for?" Mandy sat down, passing me a beer.

"Just over a week." I exhaled.

"You and Ian have been married for just over a week and you're saying that all you've been doing is fighting? Jesus Christ, Mick. I'd say that you and Ian are definitely acting like an old married couple!" Sandy smiled.

"Shut the fuck up, Sandy!" I yelled.

"You and Ian might just be the worst married couple in the South Side. I mean, I thought Terry and mom were bad, or Frank and Monica, but fuck, you and Ian seem to be worse." Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Your problem isn't fighting. It's the fact that you and Ian didn't set clear boundaries about what married life would be like." Sandy sat down, explaining her unwanted opinion.

"Well, considering we got married while drunk, I'd say that setting clear boundaries wasn't our top priority." I laughed.

"Why the fuck did you get married while drunk? There's a reason why Vegas weddings exist." Sandy smirked.

"Firstly, how the fuck are an 18-year-old and a 20-year-old from the South Side supposed to get to Vegas? Secondly, if we weren't drunk, I wouldn't have suggested it, and we'd probably never get married, even in the future." I admitted.

"Wait- Hold up. You were the one to suggest getting married?!" Sandy laughed.

"Yep." I rolled my eyes.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Mandy slapped me.

"Because, as I've established, we were both drunk! I had a few too many beers and because of Ian's meds, he was drunk after one beer. We got a marriage license, suits, wedding rings and we went down to the courthouse." I explained, rubbing my eyes.

"Holy shit. I think that is the most stupid and brilliant thing that you've ever done." Sandy laughed, laying down.

"How is that both? One or the other, maybe, but both?" Mandy looked at Sandy, confused.

"It's stupid, because Mickey married a Bipolar gay man from the Gallagher family. That would earn Mickey a 48-hour torture session from Terry. One 24-hour session for being gay, and the other 24-hour session for marrying a Gallagher." Sandy explained.

"Okay...and?" I asked, confused.

"It's brilliant, because this way, Mickey can escape the Milkovich name and because he's legally married to Ian, it's not like Terry can do a damn thing about it. Also, not testifying against each other is a big positive." Sandy smiled.

"Well, funnily enough, the whole "not testifying against each other" thing is what led to the subject. Ian was already drunk and he told me in a 'fun fact' kinda way." I laughed.

"Seriously. You never get married when drunk, Vegas wedding or not. It's fucking stupid, and you can't legally get divorced until like...2 years later or some shit like that." Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Yep. Ian and I have talked about that already. Can't get divorced until we've been married for at least 2 years, and an annulment isn't possible because we legally got married." I exhaled, closing my eyes. I just wanted to sleep the day away, no matter how much Mandy wanted me out of bed.

"Annulment?" Sandy asked, confused.

"Annulment is when a judge or court finds that there was no legal marriage between the parties, even though a marriage ceremony may have taken place. It's a good way to get out of marriage. That's why Vegas weddings are so popular. You can get married without all the legal shit. You'd need a marriage license, but unlike courthouses, or city hall, you don't need to provide birth certificates or passports. Those are documents are needed to officiate and legalise a marriage." Mandy smirked.

"Once you have those documents, the courthouse or city hall will give you a marriage certificate, which I think currently resides in the Gallagher household with Ian." Mandy looked between Sandy and I.

I groaned, chucking a pillow over my head as to avoid seeing the disappointment on Mandy's face.

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