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I knew the slap to my shoulder would come sooner or later. Fiona justifiably hit me a few more times before calming down, trying to relax.

"First question; where the fuck were you all day?" Fiona asked, confused.

"I went furniture shopping on my own, promising Ian that I'd choose furniture that he'd like." I explained.

"Then where was Ian?" Carl asked.

"Job hunting. Thanks to your hot-headed sister, Ian's job at the gay club was terminated, so he spent the day going around Chicago to find a new job." I answered Carl's question.

"Oh, so Ian being taken is my fault?" Fiona hissed.

"I never said that!" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, let's focus on the situation at hand. Mickey, is there anywhere you know of that Terry would escape to and hold Ian hostage?" Lip asked, worried.

"Nowhere that I know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fuck!" Fiona cursed.

"The Milkovich family isn't known for being obvious. If Terry has a location, he wouldn't have told any of his kids." I rolled my eyes.

"Guys...Ian didn't get a chance to take his meds before he was taken..." Debbie spoke.

"Wait, what?!" Fiona started to panic.

"I came home and found his meds strewn all over the kitchen bench. He might have dropped the bottles when he was possibly attacked." I pointed to the kitchen bench.

"Ian being chloroformed is also an option, and knowing Terry, that option seems less messy." Carl smirked.

"I agree with Debbie. Terry often chooses the option that's quickest and less messy." Lip exhaled.

"I wonder what Ian will do now that he hasn't taken his meds..." Carl smirked again.

"Carl, let's not think about that. Let's think about finding Terry and in turn, Ian, so that we can get Ian back and on his meds." Fiona whacked the back of Carl's head.

"Wait, would Mandy know?" Lip asked, confused.

"Maybe? I mean, Terry often gets drunk and says too much when she's around..." I could see the hope on Fiona's face.


Tracking Mandy down was tricky. When I messaged her, she didn't respond, so looking all over Chicago was difficult. Eventually, we found Mandy hiding out in some abandoned building. We walked in, being careful not to accidentally touch anything or lean on anything, since we knew that maybe the building was one wrong move from collapsing in on itself. The only negative thing about the building was the fact that it was both long and tall, at least the size of a freaking hospital.

"Mandy?" Debbie yelled, hoping that she would answer.

"Mandy!" Lip yelled, this time getting some response. We could hear footsteps. Looking down the long hallway, we spotted a girl around Mandy's height.

"Mandy." I rolled my eyes, running up to her, stopping her from escaping. I turned her around, watching as she stopped trying to escape. She moved her hair out of her face, a smirk on her face as she looked at me and the Gallaghers.

"Look who it is." She smirked.

"I thought you might have fled to Mexico." Mandy smirked.

"Nope. Ian and I moved into the old house. Y'know, our old house. But guess what? I'm a Gallavich now." I smiled, watching as Mandy chuckled.

"Galla-what?" She laughed, confused.

"Never mind that!" Fiona interrupted our conversation, looking desperate.

"Why are you here and what do you want?" Mandy hissed, putting a lit cigarette in her mouth.

"We're here because of Ian." Lip spoke.

"Sorry Gallaghers. Ian isn't here. Besides, I don't think he'd be caught dead roaming around here." Mandy laughed.

"He didn't mean it like that. Does Terry have any locations that he'd escape to if he was on the run from police?" I asked, watching as Fiona tried to remain calm.

"A few, why?" Mandy asked, confused.

"Terry took Ian. We need to find him before Terry does something to him." Lip spoke up, Mandy scoffing.

"There's one primary location where Terry might be. It's where all his weapons are." Mandy handed us the address.

"You comin' with us? I'm sure Ian would love to see a friendly face." I asked, confused.

"Fuck no. I'd rather sit naked on a hot grill than possibly see Terry." Mandy exhaled, blowing a puff of smoke.

"You're a life saver. Literally." Fiona smiled as we put the location in my phone and headed off, hoping to get to Ian in time.

The drive to the location was long, at least 2 hours. I spent the entire time trying to think of ways to get Ian back.

One drunk night// GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now