Chapter 2

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Let me explain a few things about myself before I continue. As you know, my name is Radiowave. I'm one of about 12 teenagers in my colony, Lunar-85 on the planet Arkendrone.

It's made up of multiple groups of refugees, our parents and grandparents who were Autobots who didn't want to fight, and Decepticons who weren't as prone to violence. Both sides had come together and fled to a far corner of Cybertrons territory where we inhabited the planet blooming with organic life. So far, I was part of the first generation to be born here.

We welcomed any refugee bots but so few people knew about this place, the most we got was one or two a year. There were also a few Autobot medics that came here to drop off supplies. One time they even brought a whole bunch of mechs from Cybertron. My friends and I got to talk with and get to know them a bit.

I immediately took to two of them, a smaller black one, an archivist who wanted to document our settlement, and his companion, a big orange and white bot who was at least two whole heads taller than me. He explained he was a mnemosurgeon which piqued my interest a bit.

I loved those two and was delighted when they returned a few times after their first visit. I'd go with all the other teens to the landing pad for the ship to arrive, hardly being able to wait to see Chromedome and Rewind again.

CD, as I called him, was a reserved bot but would always talk with me and tell us about what he did when he was a cop. Rewind on the other hand was a bit more enthusiastic and would record all our conversations. I showed them around the entire place and even the peaceful valley on the other side of the mountain range, harboring lush green pastures and a breathtaking view of a lake.

Our settlement had all the necessities we needed. It rested in the basin of a large valley and contained small clusters of housing units, a school, an energon mine, a med center, etc. There was also the main building where the adults discussed important things but no one under age was allowed in there.

I spent most of my free time with my friends, exploring the surrounding hills, riding hoverboards in the field, or spending time helping my carrier around. Everybody knew everybody and it was overall just a lovely place.

My carrier and sire met during the war. She was an Autobot on the front lines when they met. Her entire team had gone into battle but they'd all been taken out. She'd taken cover in some abandoned buildings to wait for someone to help her and like me, would softly sing to herself when she needed a distraction.

My sire was a Decepticon that happened to be making his way through the area at the same time. He'd heard her singing which immediately captivated him. He went, found, and helped her get to safety but they still met and kept in contact. Both had a great love of music and sang together often. It's where I got my talents from.

This continued for a while till my sire decided he could no longer spend any more time away from her and the two of them escaped with a bunch of mechs to Arkendrone. A couple of years later, bada bing bada boom, one colony is built and they're sparkmates.

A few more years after that, they had me. I was a special case. Not only was I able to produce sonic blasts from my servos, but I could also read minds. Well, that ability only stretched so far. It seemed it was affected by how well or how close I was to a person. If they were family, I heard everything, if it was a stranger, dead silent.

We lived as a happy family for a few years. I think we had a pet but I don't remember what happened to him. Everything was perfect but like always, that never lasts. The cons somehow found my sire and threatened to exterminate our community and kill us if he didn't come back. My carrier always said it was the hardest decision he ever had to make, but went, in the end, to keep us safe.

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