Chapter 26

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'Could you do that a little quieter please?' Radiowave groaned, her helm on the table and her arms draped over it. She and Soundwave had both had cracking helm aches since they woke up after Getaway hit them with the Nudge gun and Rumble currently playing the harmonica across from them was not helping.

'What?' He grinned, and played a few notes, 'I thought you two liked music.' 'Not when it feels like it's forcing a grater up against my processor.' Soundwave muttered, leaning on his elbow as he tried to make sense of the data pad he was attempting to read.

The letters swarmed in front of his optics and everything seemed to distort. Even taking his visor off did little to help, but at least he did get some cool air onto his face.

He listened to Rumble play the last few stanzas of Love Me Do by the Beatles before the cassette finally stopped and a comfortable silence fell over Swerve's almost empty bar, despite the couple mechs talking.

'And here I thought Frenzy was the louder one of you two.' Swerve added with a grin as he walked over and put a few glasses down on the table filled with low-grade energon. 'Eh, I gave the position to him for the day,' Frenzy smirked, sitting on the backrest of the booth above his twin and using a slingshot to try and hit a bunch of empty canisters he'd stacked across the way.

He may or may not have intentionally put them right next to where a group of mechs were sitting.

Soundwave had Ravage give him the shanix for it as soon as he could do the family could be left alone. Soundwave's thoughts hammered in his helm. Heck, everyone's thoughts hammered over his! He groaned and before he knew it, his helm thumped down on the table next to Radio's. He didn't ever remember feeling this bad since the time Skywarp spiked his energon.

'Welp, my time has come!' Frenzy said, both brothers hopping up as one of the pellets he was shooting hit Ultra Magnus, 'See you two sad sacks later!' They called and parkoured up to the nearest vent, flashing their signature grins before disappearing into it just as the annoyed blue mech stomped over.

'Don't look at me,' Sound mumbled, raising one servo without even looking up, 'I can't think straight so I can't stop them even if I tried.' Magnus grumbled something about undisciplined mechs and stormed off to try find the twins.

'So, what do you think the chances of him getting them are?' Remix asked, lifting his helm and watching him leave. 'Pretty slim I'd say considering those two mapped out the ventilation system the very first week we were here,' Buzzsaw said, 'I wouldn't be surprised if they'd had the entire layout of the ship memorized by now.'

'Oh, they have.' Radio said, looking up at them, 'And they're purposefully leading Mags to the Oil Reservoir now.' 'Ten Shanix says they actually get him to fall in,' Ratbat laughed, getting the others to join in. Soundwave let out a mumble that immediately made them all stop.

The telepath was trying to focus. 

On a normal day, the range of his abilities would envelop the entire ship as well as a good distance outside of that. He could tell where everyone was and what they were thinking, narrowing and separating their thoughts so they swirled in a kind of harmony around him.

But right now...

Everything was clashing and colliding together, overlapping and trying to drown each other out. The radius had also decreased so it narrowed down to just the Lost Light, making the turret of thoughts even more compressed and loud. To make matters worse, it seemed a new ship had docked and one of the passengers was just an utter mess.

'Come on, I think I need a lie-down,' Soundwave eventually sighed, not even touching his energon that the symbiotes were now having, and scooted out. He pressed the button on his shoulder and the glass hatch on his chest opened for the cassettes to transformer and go into. Radiowave let out a whine at the thought of moving so he gave a small laugh and picked her up. She immediately purred and snuggled closer to his chassis, closing her optics and falling asleep almost instantly while holding his servo, just like she did as a sparkling.

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