Chapter 15

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Oh my Primus, this book has 1k read! Thank you so much, everyone XD!

I stirred and my optics fluttered open as the door to the room opened and someone walked in. I lifted my helm and looked at the giant blue bot that went past over to the desk and sat down. Remix and Skyraid cast him a brief glance before settling back down. 'Ignore him,' Remix told me, 'He comes here when he can't sleep.'

But I didn't. Instead, I stood and launched off the berth, flying over and onto Fortress Maximus's shoulder. He flinched a bit when I landed but quickly regained his posture. I clicked a "hi" to which he nodded and gave me a sullen 'Hello Ace.' In return.

Only two days on the Lost Light and I'd already gotten used to these kinds of greetings. Most of the crew had taken to me already (mainly a certain purple femme) but there were still those who were more skeptical. I think Max was somewhere in between.

I watched as he opened the book and started flicking through it. I got a few glances at drawings of different crew members and bots. He stopped for a moment on one that was a sketch of him, Chromedome, and two other bots sitting at one of the booths in Swerves. I chirped and looked at them, jumping down to the table.

'I remember when she drew this.' He mumbled, 'It was before Rewind died, just after I'd joined when the four of us were at the bar. Chromedome told one of his rare jokes and got all of us rolling with laughter. She managed to capture that memory perfectly.'

I gently tapped my talon and tilted my helm, 'That's Rewind.' He said, pointing, 'And that's Radiowave.' I looked at them. She wore a mask like both of the two bots and even though I could only see Max's face in a frozen laugh, it was clear the other three were cracking up. Chromedome looked so happy compared to the depressed guy I knew now.

I sighed and stared at the pictures sadly as he continued flipping until he reached the end. The last drawing she'd done was one of a bot I recognized. 'Tarn.' I thought.

Whereas most of her drawings were light with minor shading, this one was almost completely dark, like a candle was being held in front of it. His one servo was holding his face while the other was reaching out like he was about to come out and grab me. I could just make out the details on his mask but his optics were the only thing that was completely white. What confused me the most was the chains attached to his digits that swirled up and off the page.

'No one knew about this one.' He said, 'The others were confused by it and no one knew why she did it. Well, no one except me. I knew of her nightmares 'cause I was close with her but wouldn't fuss about her situation which is why she never went to CD or the others. Rung did suspect that though and sought me out.' He sighed, 'I ended up telling him and he speculated this was just a way to get those emotions out without having to tell anyone about it.'

He then picked up the iPod and stared at it, 'She was a hard one to read when she didn't want to tell you anything.' He said, and then turned his helm, 'Just like you.'

He crossed his arms on the desk and rested his helm on them so he could look at me. His bright blue optics studied my red and blue ones, 'It's hard to say whether I trust you fully.' He said, 'You used to be DJD but you definitely don't act like them. So where do you stand Ace?'

I clicked and hopped over to him, nudging his arm. Maximus sighed and rubbed my helm, I guess you are an Autobot then,' He said, 'Radiowave would've liked you, you're a lot like her.' His optics flickered over to the iPad, 'Do you like music?' He asked. I just shrugged, never remembering hearing it.

Max picked the device up and disconnected the earphones before scrolling through its contents. 'Here,' He said, picking a song and putting the Pod down as it started playing, 'She loved this one.' I chirped and hopped into his arms which were still resting on the desk. He looked down at me before he picked me up and held me close as the song started.

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