Chapter 20

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Just a little FYI, the sparks Radiowave can see are mainly two colors, the same as a bot's main color schemes.

'You're sure about this?' I asked Chromedome as I held onto his arm, sitting on the bench in the small pod as it took us down to the planet, 'Megs didn't like the idea of me going down to a city with a crime rate this high.'

'I'm sure I'm sure Radio,' He said, 'You'll be safe as long as you stick with us.' 'Yeah kid,' Max said to my left, 'Name one bot who'd willingly take me, Megatron or Magnus on.'

I sighed and looked down, 'But what if we get separated?' I asked, 'Not exactly like I can find my way back.' 'You stick with Remix and Skyraid.' Rewind said from Domey's right, 'Just never ask someone to guide you and if you do, don't let them know you're lost. There are lots of bad mechs here who'd kidnap and sell you off in an instant, especially if they discover you're an outlier.'

I nodded and looked around at the different colored sparks of the bots sitting around me, trying to convince myself I'd be safe as long as I was with them. I felt a nose nudge my servo so I smiled and felt my way down Remix's helm so I could pet him.

The cabin rocked as we landed on the planet. I heard a door open and someone walked in from the control deck before Megatron's voice spoke up.

'Alright everyone,' He said, 'We're only going down there for as long as we need to and not a second later. We'll split up, get what we need, and leave. I know this place forehand and it's not somewhere you want to spend more than a day.'

'Right!' Everyone answered back confidently, Whirl excited if anything else. I was pretty sure I was the only one a bit nervous here.

We all shuffled out the ship and out onto the landing pad. I kept one arm firmly wrapped around Chrome's as we walked, knowing I'd probably slip and fall down to the city below if I didn't. A small red and black spark floated up next to Remix by my leg.

'Not going with Megatron?' Rewind asked him. Ravage let out a sharp laugh, 'Yeah right!' He said, 'I know this place's reputation so no way I'm leaving her.' 'Thanks.' I said, smiling down at him.

Still getting used to being mostly blind, it felt weird as I was led through the crowds of multicolored, floating sparks around us and around corners and obstructions invisible to me.

'Are you sure there's no other place to find materials?' Sky asked from my shoulder. I heard Max sigh behind me, 'As much as I hate to admit it, dodgy markets like these are the only places you can find parts to fix a quantum generator these days.' He said.

'Never thought I'd hear Fortress Maximus say those words.' Chrome grinned next to me. 'Shhh!' He hissed at him, 'My name is known around here and not for the best of reasons!' 'Well, then that's all the more reason for us not to stay!' Rewind said sharply and walked slightly ahead.

I looked around curiously, getting some sense of where the road was. 'So what's everyone selling?' I asked, looking at the sparks slightly behind the others, showing they were the mechs selling things.

'Lots of scraps and weapons,' Remix said, 'Nothing worth our time or shanix.' 'Except that place.' Max said and I felt them suddenly come to a halt. 'What?' I asked, 'What is it?'

'Parts.' Chrome simply said and started on forward again.

So after a few pricing arguments later, we were walking back with most of the things Megatron had instructed our group to get. I had to let go of Chromedome's arm to carry the metal I was holding but still stayed close behind.

'So this'll be enough?' I asked. 'For now,' Maximus answered in front of me, 'We can circle a few more times to see if we can pick up the rest.' I nodded and jogged a bit as I started falling behind.

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