Chapter 6

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I was bored right now. Nothing seemed to be even remotely interesting. I think I spent half an hour just wandering around the ship, looking for something to do. But no one needed help, everyone else was busy so I couldn't intern. I tried playing my guitar and even listening to music but neither helped. I was also had what was referred to as "art block" right now.

And boy did that suck.

Chromedome had disappeared off to who knows where a while ago so hanging with him was out. I thought about maybe going to Swerve's or maybe even trying to talk to other bots but that seemed very unlikely.

Nothing seemed to particularly stand out to me so I decided on one thing.

I made a turn down a specific corridor and a few stairs. I opened the brig door and walked through the dimly lit and narrow passage. Cells lined the walls and bots reached out, grabbing at me as I went past. I dodged a few servos but kept walking till I stopped in front of one.

My optics became soft under my visor as I looked down at my friend, sitting and looking at the ground in his cell. I deactivated the bar. He never tried to escape so I walked in and sat next to him, 'Hey Max.' I said, putting a servo on his shoulder.

'Hey, Wave.' He replied but didn't look at me. 'How're you holding up?' I asked. I visited him as much as possible but still, it felt like it was never enough. 'Meh,' He shrugged, 'I'm fine. I mean, I could be back on Garrus-9 right now. That'd maybe be fine except I'd never see my number one visitor.' He finally looked up and smiled at me.

'Yeah, there could be worse situations.' I said, 'I tried speaking with Rodimus and Magnus the other day...' 'Don't tell me you're still trying to get me out.' He sighed, interrupting me.

'Why shouldn't I?' I asked, 'You don't deserve to be in here Max.' He shook his helm sadly and looked down. 'It's my fault Rung got hurt.' He said, 'I was just so confused, scared, and thinking of Overlord when I woke up. I just wanted to go home.'

I frowned under my mask. Images were creeping into my mind as I faintly saw a large blue mech with a chainsaw and Fort Max lying, no, nailed to a berth. The entire floor around them was coated in energon. It wasn't the same as the one Rewind projected into Rung's office. I desperately shook my helm, trying to dismiss the scene. Luckily, the mech was looking down so he didn't notice.

'But enough about me.' He said, 'How're you holding up? Still having nightmares?' Now it was my turn to look away. True, Max had done some bad things, but he was one of the bots I trusted with all my spark so he was the one I immediately told about the nightmare I'd been repeatedly having. He was the only one I'd told. 

Rung had heard me screaming in my sleep for a few nights and would continuously come to check up on me. This went on for a week before I installed a device in my mask to mute my voice and would then turn it on at night, giving the effect I was sleeping peacefully.

But I didn't need to hide this around Max. He would understand but not continuously bombard me with questions about them like I knew some others would.

As much as I loved them, it would end up getting more annoying than the dreams themselves besides, they had more important things to worry about than me having some bad dreams.

It also helped he was one of the few who understood what I'd been through, also having PTSD and burning hatred yet undeniable fear towards a certain bot.

'Still having them.' I confirmed, 'And it's still the same damn thing.' 'The DJD?' 'Ya.' I replied. 'I keep seeing their stupid faces.' 'I still think you should at least tell Rung about it.' He suggested, crossing his arms and leaning back, 'He may be able to at least lessen them.' I shook my helm, 'How would therapy stop nightmares?' He shrugged and dropped the subject.

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