Chapter 3

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I stood with Chromedome and Rewind with all the other bots in the room. Everyone had gathered cause Domey said before landing, they lost about fifty mechs that had flown out of a breach in the haul.

I looked up to see Rodimus, Drift, and a large blue mech I was told called Ultra Magnus standing on a ledge that overlooked the crowd. They seemed to be discussing stuff so I turned my attention to the crowd.

Swerve and Tailgate were together with a dark blue mech named Skids. It appeared from his head retracting into his body, Tailgate was attempting to transform. I just couldn't stop thinking about how he looked like a snail.

Rodimus's soon started discussing names for our group with the crowd (mind you, I noticed he said "till all are one" again, right off the bat). I didn't participate much. I felt I was too inexperienced to participate in something like this.

This went on for a bit until Drift pulled Rodimus over and handed him what looked like a phone. He spoke but didn't seem bothered, despite Drift and Ultra Magnus's worried looks.

'Listen up everyone,' he said finally, 'There's been a bit of an incident on the lower decks. Nothing to worry about but, as a precaution, I'd like everyone to pair off, find a habitation suit, and wait inside till I give the all clear. Everyone, that is, except Ratchet, Tailbreaker, and Chromedome. You three are with me.'

I frowned under my mask. I hardly knew anyone on the ship and one of the few bots I knew had been called. Rodimus finished his speech. He said some people could tag along but we had to have certain experiences which I... happened to have none of.

I turned, looking for Rewind but felt my spark sink when I saw him running to catch up with CD. So much for finding someone I knew.

Bots were clearing out quickly so I just ended up making my way down the halls. I didn't want to be alone right now. The message from my sire had left me feeling pretty lonely but I had to face the fact that I would have to spend this alone.

'I'll just listen to some of the music he left me.' I mumbled to myself and went to my room.

As I opened the door, I heard someone approach and turned to see Rung, smiling and coming toward me. 'It's probably not good for you to be alone during a crisis.' He said. I shrugged, 'Domey and Rewind went with Rodimus so I figured I'd spend some time listening to the songs my parents left me.'

He sighed, 'And did they ask you if you were alright with it?' I hesitated, not wanting to expose them. Unfortunately, that was all the psychiatrist needed. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and shook his helm. 'I may need to discuss a few things with those two.' He said.

'It's fine, really.' I said, waving my servos, 'I don't mind.' 'Well, would you like to stay with me for a bit?' He asked. I stayed silent for a moment before, 'Yes please.' I said quietly. He smiled and opened his door before turning and standing to the side, waiting for me.

'Thank you.' I said and hurried in. Rung's office was a lot bigger than mine, with multiple shelves, a bigger desk with a chair and computer, two pillars, and a berth. 'Nice room.' I complimented. 'Thanks.' He replied and went over to a box containing small orange ships.

I sat in the chair and crossed my legs, looking at a portrait of a city. Seeing it sparked a question in my mind. 'So what happened to the remaining Decepticons?' I asked, 'After Megatron fell? Where'd they all go?'

'Most fled to far corners of the galaxy.' Rung replied, 'Others went to seek out higher, greater leaders but most lie in wait in case Megatron were to return.' I lay my helm back against the headrest and started up at the ceiling. Where was my sire in that dynamic?

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