Chapter 8

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Ok so just for sake of the plot, someone's joining the Lost Light a lot earlier than expected. You'll see who now. Also don't think about it too much, it's a fanfiction.

The dream started as a nice one. They always do.

I was smaller, probably a sparkling at the age of maybe 2 or 3 considering how low my face was to the ground. The breeze that hit my cheeks told me my visor and mask were off.

I giggled madly as I ran as fast as my small pedes could carry me, scurrying over the grass to a patch of darker green in front of me. I squeezed through the clumps of bushes until I was in the middle of them. Here, there was a small opening at the base of a small tree that stood in the middle.

I moved up right against it and peered out a small gap in the leaves, a big grin on my face. There was no way they were going to find me.

Someone called out a short distance away so I ducked down to a crouch, holding my servos in front of my intake to stop the giggles from coming out.

I soon heard the same voice again and again, each time followed by a new one until they were a small group, slowly moving around. I could tell I was the last to be found.

I took a chance and lifted my helm so I could see out. I immediately retracted it though, when a flash of black followed by a red one went right by where I was. It was getting harder to suppress my laughter as whispering started behind the barrier of green that separated us.

I looked up when rustling was heard next to me but turned back when someone called out quite close to me, 'I wonder where Radio is!' The rough, deep voice said, clearly playing with me.

I grinned and pressed back against the tree, a small bit of laughter seeping out from between my digits.

Everything went silent for a moment until 'FOUND YOU!' Two voices rang out above me. I squealed when a pair of bots dropped down on either side of me before they both hugged me.

I laughed in delight and tried to hug them back with my small arms. The bushes moved and a black animal stepped through, grinning at me. I clicked and chirped at him in my sparkling language.

'Good job.' He said, nuzzling me. I smiled and clutched his helm as he lifted me and carried me out, the two bots next to him.

I was dropped on the grass but turned and stood by the animal, clicking and making grabbing motions up at him. Instead, the two mechs ran and both scooped me up. I let out a chorus of giggles as the bots twice my size each planted a kiss on either side of my face.

A set of heavy footsteps broke them apart but they both beamed and turned. I looked up just as a pair of strong blue servos picked my small frame up. I purred and snuggled into the touch.

'We found her!' One of the boys said proudly. The mech holding me laughed, 'Well done _____.' He said, kneeling to their height and wiggling his digits by my face, 'It seems she's getting better at hide and seek.'

I chirped and grabbed at the one closest to me, holding onto it. The two brothers laughed and jumped onto the mech holding me along with the black animal and some animals flying around his helm.

He laughed as he fell back, holding us all close. I looked up as someone else approached and a light laugh was heard off to the side.

I chirped happily when my carrier came into view, grinning down at us in amusement, 'Having fun?' She asked. I felt my sire shift, 'Why don't you join us?' He asked, quickly pulling her onto the pile.

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