Chapter 11

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I whistled as I walked with Maximus down the halls. The two of us headed to the training room for some more shooting lessons for me but were soon stopped by a very excited Brainstorm and a not-as-enthusiastic Perceptor.

We were basically dragged into his lab and over to the computer so he could show us. 'Oh calm down.' Perceptor said, trying to stop Brainstorm who was basically bouncing in anticipation, 'Its not even that big of an accomplishment.'

'What is it, Percy?' I asked, looking at the computer. He sighed and walked over to stand in front of us. 'Well it's something we've been working on for a while now.' He said, 'It's basically one big database that revolves around every spawn of the Allspark, forged or constructed cold.'

'Basically just Cybertronians.' Max translated, seeing my confused expression. 'So what? You know where evryone is at any time?' Remix asked to which I translated for him. 'Exactly,' Brainstorm said, 'But it's so much more than that.' He moved to the middle of the room and Skyraid and I grinned at each other, already knowing what was coming.

'Imagine a database that could give you information on anyone,' He said dramatically, throwing his servos in front of him for emphasis, 'You can see where they lived, who they are, what their favorite energon is and so much more!'

Perceptor just groaned next to me and rubbed the bridge of his nose, 'I eventually went along with him but I've tried to explain it sounds like a stalker sight when he puts it like that.' 'I was about to point that out.' Max said.

Brainstorm then ran back to the computer and pointed at me, 'Name someone!' He said suddenly. 'Uh, Chromedome.' I said, thinking of the first name that came to my mind.

He turned back to the computer and typed into different bars. Orange, fins, needles, tall and mnemosurgeon, all things that described my friend.

As soon as he hit "done", a whole bunch of different names and faces popped underneath it, Domey's right on top. Brainstorm clicked on it and opened another screen, one which showed a full view of the mech, and stats on the side showed his height, weight and age.

Quite a bit of writing appeared in paragraphs under that, basically explaining his whole life.

A few points popped up under that, things like, "Designation: Tumbler/Chromedome", "Location: Lost Light" and "Conjunx Endura: Pivot, Mach, Scattergun, Rewind". I frowned at the three other names that appeared with Rewind's.

I stared a the word next to all of them, "deceased", my optics reading over it repeatedly. Did Domey have three others before Rewind? I never heard him mention them at all before.

'He doesn't remember them.' Brainstorm said as if reading my mind, 'After each of the times they died, he erased any memory he had of them but I finally convinced him not to do it after Rewind's death.'

I'd gotten pretty good with my psychic abilities at this point. So good that I could briefly sever the link that connected me to bots. It was closed now so all I had to do was open it and a part of Brainstorm's memories came flooding at me.

I saw four different scenarios, involving him and Chromedome. They were four different yet similar conversations, all along the lines of him not erasing his memories. A memory appeared after their talk about Rewind where Domey said he wasn't going to do the surgery.

'Poor Chromedome.' Skyraid said as my symbiotes saw the memories through our bond. 'If I ever get that upset with grief, I give you my fullest permission to slap some sense into me.' I said. 'Don't worry,' Remix said, sitting by my pede, 'It's hard to get unhappy when you have us.' I just smiled and rubbed his helm.

'So you could essentially use this to find anyone?' Maximus asked. 'That's the gist of it.' Perceptor said, 'We did need to comb through hours of data and ask some people for information on certain mechs.'

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