Chapter 27

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Present day


'Last words? Hah! Don't get your hopes up. You'd think I'd be able to quote someone at least, some rusty old writer pontificating about loss and betrayal and about the belligerence of grief... Can't. Minds gone blank.'

The white flier watched the recording on the screen as the purple femme spoke from within a darkly lit room against a dirty metal wall. 'Optimus?' Jetfire called, looking back at the red and blue mech walking up behind him, 'Take a look at this.'

The Prime leaned in and watched the screen, 'A message?' He asked. Jetfire nodded, 'The pictures poor and we keep dropping the sound, but yeah.'

'Anyways, we're under orders to make this quick so...' Nautica sighed and turned to look at the screen, exposing the left side of her face where most of the facial plating looked like it had been blown off, wires exposed and having had taken off a bit of her lip and eyelid but luckily sparing her optic, 'I'd like to be buried on Caminus, in the shadow of the Fourth and Central Athenaeum. I'd like the inscription on my spark casing to read... you know what? Who cares?'

The image switched so it now showed an orange and white mech with fins on his helm and a cracked yellow visor, not even looking at the camera.

'I'm lucky, I don't need to send a final message to a loved one. It's the first time we've died together,' Chromedome said softly, 'So, an intermutual funeral, please. Rewind and I would like to enter the Allspark simultaneously.'

The camera switched again to a different bot, this one smaller with a white helm and black torso. He wasn't as badly damaged as the previous two, but still looked like he'd been in a scuffle.

'If you're out there, Domimus, know that I never gave up, and I never stopped looking and- Is it wrong that I'm envious? At least you'll know what happened to me,' Rewind sighed, 'What happened to all of us.'

Optimus straightened up and looked at Jetfire, 'Who else knows about this?' He asked.

Cybertron, Metroplex——————

'In six hours and 14 minutes, I'll be dead. I'm not... that sounds melodramatic. It's not meant to. It's just a fact. A very... distracting fact.' Nightbeat said, holding his helm with one servo as he spoke, his face smeared with dirt, 'Still. Six hours 14 minutes. At least this time I can prepare myself. As for disposal methods... assuming you find a body, preserve the helm, burn the rest. A good Neoprimalist Ceremony. Short and sweet.'

'Look at them,' Starscream mumbled as he stared at the large screen in front of him, 'Look at their optics. That's what fear looks like, Scoop.'

'I know, I've seen it before,' The orange bot next to him said, turning and looking at him, 'In fact, I'm getting a close-up right now.'

Luna 1——————

'There, there! See it?' Red Alert asked, pointing at the screen. Fortress Maximus leaned over his shoulder, 'The shadow?'

'The shadow of a gun, pointing at Nightbeats helm,' Red confirmed, 'And look at the shape. Familiar?' 

Maximus nodded and rubbed his face with the palms of his servos, 'It is.' He mumbled, thinking about a certain young femme, 'Primus we should have stayed with them.'

The image changed to a small green and white bot with a mustache.

'I should have seen it coming. I let my guard down, got too comfortable. Had too much f-f-f-fun.' Minimus Ambus (he's Ultra Magnus. Don't ask. Notes at the end) said, 'But to answer your question... Luna 1. Next to the Hot Spot. I'd like to be buried in my armor.'

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