Chapter 19

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'Are you sure?' Fortress Maximus asked, rubbing my arm. 'I'm telling you,' Perceptor said as he looked from the back of my helm to the datapad in his servo, 'The scans show there's nothing wrong. Spinster reattached everything in the right place but I think Shockwave must have damaged something when he was implanting them.'

'So she's blind until you can find a problem?' Ravage asked. I assume Percy nodded because I heard the cat sigh. I would've rubbed my optics but my visor and mask were back on.

'How long will that take?' I asked quietly. 'No idea,' The red mech admitted, closing the plating on my helm, 'I'll need to run some more scans and tests but I can tell you right now they won't show anything. Optics are delicate and made of many small but important components. It might take ages to find the problem.'

'Ok,' I sighed and tried to get down. The floor was further away than I expected and I stumbled a bit. Remix quickly darted forward and caught me, 'Easy boss,' He said, 'You're still weak.'

'I'm fine,' I mumbled and started walking forward. I got a few steps before someone ran in front of and stopped me. 'Wall.' Ravage said and guided me to the door.

'Thanks,' I muttered and kept my servo on Remix's helm as he steered me. Skyraid sat on my shoulder and told me when we were about to turn or had to walk around someone.

'The guys not back?' I asked as I was taken to what I presumed was Swerve's bar. 'Not yet,' Ravage said, 'But they should be soon. From what I heard, they managed to catch Brainstorm and should be bringing him back for questioning.'

I'd barely walked into the door before someone ran over and the wind was knocked out of me as something big collided with my stomach. I didn't need to see to tell who it was.

'Hey, Grim!' I laughed, scratching his nose. He purred and nuzzled me happily. I jumped slightly when someone put their servo on my shoulder, 'I take it the surgery went well?' Fulcrum asked, helping me up.

'Well, I wouldn't be here right now if it didn't, would I?' I grinned. 'Spinster told us what happened.' Krok said from behind me, 'Are you ok?' I sighed, 'It does suck not being able to see but I think I can live with it.'

'I'm sure Perceptor will help you.' Fulcrum said, leading me over to the table where they were all sitting. 'Hopefully.' I sighed. Someone pat my back, 'Nice to see you in one piece again.' Crankcase grinned.

'Yeah, it feels a lot better.' I said. Remix and Ravage stayed on the floor while Sky went in my lap. I looked down at him, rubbing his helm. 'But actually,' I said, 'It's weird because I can see but I also can't.'

'What?' Misfire asked, clearly confused. 'It's hard to explain,' I started, 'But basically, I can kinda see all of you now. When I say see, I mean I see what just looks like different colored sparks and then an almost nonexistent ghostly white outline of your frames. No details, just size.'

'Well, then that's not too bad?' Fulcrum said. I sighed, 'It would be if I could see objects or walls.' 'She almost walked into about five on the way here.' Remix added. I glared down at him.

'Well, at least you can see something.' Krok said, ruffling my helm, 'That's always better than nothing.' 'Yeah,' I shrugged, 'It's still gonna take some getting used to though.' 

We all then looked at the door as Max came running through, 'Hey guys!' He called.

'The crew's back!'


Chromedome walked with the others down the hall, Rewind by his side and in the middle of the group. Brainstorm had just been taken to Magnus for questioning and so far, everything seemed fine.

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