28: The Dying of the Light Part 1

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Three weeks earlier——————


How much did we take it for granted? How many times did we ever actually experience it?

For me, now was one of the few times. My body was weightless as I floated, my limbs gently bobbing at my sides and even though my optics were open, everything was pitch black. I wasn't asleep, all the functions on my visor told me that.

It just made me relax more and drink in the sweet sensation I only got when I came here.

Ever since my sire had shown me how to control and expand my telepathy, complete silence had evaded me. Even at night, I could still hear everyone's dreams and nightmares. So to sum it up,

It was never quiet for me

Except now when I choose to block it all out by turning certain parts of my processor off temporarily. It wasn't a good idea long term, but I needed this. It also gave me time to think over the past few weeks.

I signed and let one of my servos drift up, feeling the bubbles coming out my intake brush past my arm on its way to the surface.

It had been what? A week or two since Fortress Maximus and Red Alert had to go to Luna-1 to help with something there and I guessed it had been closer to almost four months since Ratchet had left to go find Drift, leaving First Aid in charge.

Some things just weren't the same without those guys. I missed them already.

I stared around at the void that encased me, wondering how the battle was going when I became aware of the sound of dull thuds. Someone was walking up to where I was but it was muffled and soft. They then went quiet for a bit before someone spoke up.

'Hey, kid! You still down there?'

I sighed slightly, sending a bubble up to let them know. He'd probably come to fetch me, telling me that the others had returned. I waited again for a few seconds to pass before there was the sound of slashing and I felt something moving by me.

I reached a servo out and grabbed the larger one that was trying to find me. It gripped tightly and in one swift motion, I found myself being hoisted out of the oil reservoir. I had to squint at the sudden bright light as I was pulled out and put back down on my pedes.

'Was wondering where you'd run off to before Rewind suggested you'd be here.' Skids grinned, servos on his hips as I looked up and smiled at him, 'You did take a contamination bath before going in right?'

'Yeah, Magnus drilled that into me multiple times,' I said, walking over to a small stall cut out into the wall and pressing a button, lifting my head up. A jet of treated water rained down on my frame, washing the excess oil off and down the drain.

Once I was all clean, I walked out and gave myself a quick shake before taking the towel Skids passed and drying off. 'I take it everyone else back from Milairium?' I said, looking at him as I threw the towel into a shoot and we started walking to the entrance, 'And you didn't just take an early leave.'

'Oh shush you,' He grinned and swung his arm in a circle, 'You should've seen it, Rust Giants and Titans twice the size of us! Man, the Miliarians were so happy we saved them. They were cute, about the size of humans. Never thought I'd say that about an organic.'

'Yeah, sounds great,' I sighed, 'Man if only the whole Sunder incident hadn't happened. I could've been there.' 'You're still grounded huh?' Skids asked with an amused tone, closing the door.

I gave a slight scowl, 'Like Ravage said, just because sire forgave me, doesn't mean he shouldn't punish me for still disobeying him. But still! Not allowed to go on any of the missions for a month! It's just... AUGH!'

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