Part I: Chapter One

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There is no delaying the inevitable. It was an age-old truth she knew well, and yet somehow she'd begun to believe that this day would never arrive. That she could keep her secret forever. But Fiona had made a decision and now she would have to face the consequences.

It was cold on the hill top, the westernmost ridge overlooking Gregorn town proper, and she kept her hood drawn to shield herself from the gusts of wind that had followed her along her journey to the Assembly. But though the large brim of her cloak hid her face in shadow, she knew there was no disguising her identity. Staff in hand, clothed in the shades of blue and gray reserved for one who held the sacred title of Nita, even from a distance, none could fail to recognize her station.

Nowhere to hide.

From this vantage, the town stretched before her, surrounded by a dull yellow-green grassy expanse of hills. The houses below were small. The stores, the same. The market center, the clock tower, all so small from above. And the Meetinghouse. Fiona could see it clearly, lying just beyond the border of the main town. She could see the figures gathering around it. From the hilltop, they appeared as little more than tiny specks, yet the sight of them filled her with dread that churned her stomach and pounded in her head. The judgment of these specks. Would they condemn her? Could they condemn her?

They will see you burn.

Those words had run through Fiona's mind for months now, flitting in and out of her daily thoughts. She had tried to banish the unwelcome, overzealous, judgments of her subconscious, but they always returned. As the scheduled Assembly drew nearer, the thoughts became more frequent, relentless. Now, staring at the Council representatives gathered from across the Empire, they grew so loud as to nearly drown out all else.

You will suffer for your betrayal.

The Meetinghouse was nothing special to look at. It was large, at least compared to the average structure in Gregorn, but otherwise unremarkable. Built of plain cedar wood the unadorned structure was often used for town gatherings, making it more than spacious enough to accommodate the thirty-seven delegates that made up the Elder Council as well as three Initiate representatives from the cloisters of Sithrah. The requirements for a full assembly of Senmin leadership.

Each of the thirty-seven were men elected in Senmin communities throughout the Empire to provide governance to the areas within their jurisdiction. These men were charged as representatives for their people, and responsible for collectively keeping the Senmin united throughout the holy Kanjin Empire of Erestia.

Though the building appeared aged and weathered, it was not very old. The Meetinghouse had been erected less than one hundred years ago, at the inception of the Elder Council, after the betrayal of Nita Astar Tansy had compromised the power of the Senmin's matriarchal leadership and forever stained the position of Nita.

And your betrayal will further desecrate the office.

A wind picked up from the west, sweeping across the dry grass around her, the blades swaying like waves in a partially frozen sea of desolation. Wrapping her cloak more tightly around her body she took a deep gulp of cold air, forcing her feet to carry her towards the large crowd of councilmen. There was nothing to do now but have faith that the Council could be reasonable, listening to her words before jumping to conclusions.

"You are no coward," Fiona reminded herself. "You are the leader of the Senmin people, and they will hear you."

As she drew nearer to the hall, Fiona could almost feel the eyes of those assembled turn in their sockets, craning to watch her approach without conspicuously moving to turn their heads. In the presence of their stares, the condemnatory voices of her subconscious raged all the more.

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