Chapter Fifty-Six

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A messenger arrived at his home early the next morning, one day before Hill's scheduled execution. The man carried an official envelope from Salam Palace bearing the royal seal, inside, a message from the King himself containing an amendment to the decree concerning the execution of the traitor known as Seleb Hill. According to the document, his royal Majesty had commuted the boy's sentence to death by beheading.

A second enclosed document, a new warrant, informed of two more executions that were to be performed concurrently. The names listed were unfamiliar to him. Both were sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead. Included amongst these messages was a short correspondence from corporal Alar informing that the scaffold had already been erected and the executioner informed of the King's decrees. 

As Teren read the messages in succession, his heart stuck in his throat. He was relieved of course. Though Seleb would not be spared, he would not suffer more than necessary. Yet it was hard to keep from his mind the dark shadow of Chancellor Reader looming over all. Rearder had followed through with his half of their agreement. Teren was now firmly and unquestionably in his debt.

The second message was puzzling. Who were these men condemned to die with Hill? It seemed unlikely that Teren's own men had managed to locate any more of the perpetrators of the recent attack. The idea that important matters of Imperial safety within the Capitol were being conducted in his absence put him ill at ease. Teren immediately set out for Portenbrough Prison , ignoring the fact that he was meant to avoid the area until the execution.

He breezed past the guards who straightened to solute at his approach without a second glance. "Get me Alar, he said to one, catching his eye. The man nodded and set off. Moments later the corporal came hurrying to greet him.

"Commissioner General," he said. " We did not expect you until tomorrow. I was told you were visiting your estate in Wayham and would not return to the city until this evening. "

"I have returned early." Teren replied, hiding his surprise at the corporal's words. No doubt the false excuse for his absence had been created and disseminated by Chancellor Rearder himself.

. "I wish for a detailed report in the past two days."

"Of course, my Lord."

The two walked to Teren's chambers within the tower and Alar closed the door as Teren sat in at his desk and settled into his chair.

"Go on then" Teren said, as he began to rifle through the scrolls and documents that had accumulated there.

"Commissioner General, in your absence things have run smoothly. As I dictated in my message, the preparations for tomorrow's executions are nearly complete. The scaffold is being erected in the market square as commanded by his royal Majesty. You needn't have interrupted your trip to the countryside."

"There were two new names added to the list of condemned," Teren said, cutting him off.

"Yes, my Lord. Two more men were apprehended in connection with the assassination attempt on his Majesty and the death of Lords Cranmar and Fisher. The King was said to be quite pleased."

"Indeed that is good news," Teren replied trying to keep his voice even, detached, but in his heart felt tight in his chest. The man's words made no sense. "How were these men found?" he asked.

"I do not know the details," Alar answered somewhat uncertainly. "It was Chancellor Rearder who informed us of the traitors discovery. He said that the plans you had put in place before you left had finally yielded results."

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