Chapter Ten

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Ok so I'm updating early this week. Might get another update out on Friday as well but no promises. Henry's story continues... 



As Henry watched the festivities of the court that night, he found himself sickened to the point of nausea. Though he'd had every intention of enjoying the celebration, somehow the party was not as he had expected. The rich smells of meats and spices wafting from platter after platter lining the banquet table, curdled his stomach. The swirling whirls of taffeta, and silk, and hair, gliding past in the flickering candlelight made him dizzy. The sweet music throbbed dissonant in his temples mixing with the incessant buzzing of the guests who had swarmed around him from the moment he entered the banquet hall. It was not more than a few minutes into the party before Henry began to wish he might disappear to his chambers and leave his guests to rejoice without him.

It appeared that the entirety of Fredrick's court had come to pay tribute to their Prince. Noble men, members of the Privy Council, all were eager to speak with Henry, and lavish praise upon him for his successes, smiling their ingratiating smiles and begging his favor. Of course there was one presence notably missing. The King himself was nowhere to be seen. 

He'd learned that his father had left one day after the arrival of Henry's messenger heralded the Prince's imminent return. The King had authorized the extravagant celebration of victory, and promptly left Auresir. To Henry, it was not surprising, and only confirmed his suspicion that Fredrick might now wish to avoid him. In fact, he knew he would be glad for the chance to walk the palace halls without the presence of his father. Still, with so many vying for his attention, Henry was fairly certain he would find little respite in spite of Fredrick's absence.

It took nearly an hour for Henry to force his way through his numerous guests, and he was already exhausted by the time he finally gained his seat at the banquet table along side the High Chancellor. A chair that would have otherwise been reserved for the King.

As he sat Henry could see the faces of the men to his left light up immediately, clearly just as eager to speak with him as the rest of the court. Both Grafton and Perry were members of the King's Privy Council and Henry knew them well. Neither were men he wished converse with for any considerable length of time. But looking to his right, Henry could see that Cecil was already thoroughly engaged in another conversation. Henry sighed and motioned to a servant for wine to fill his long emptied cup hoping that drink might make the unavoidable discourse with his father's allies at least somewhat tolerable.

"Highness," Lord Grafton said with a hearty smile Henry forced himself to meet. "It is so wonderful to see you returned to Salam Palace."

"Indeed," Lord Perry intoned. "We have all been anxious for your safety."

Henry did not reply, but gratefully accepted the glass handed to him and took a deep drink of the crimson liquid, savoring the burning sensation in his chest as he swallowed the wine too quickly.

"Reports of the battles you so bravely fought against the rebellion have been the topic of court for weeks." Added the woman sitting beside Lord Grafton. Henry recognized her as the man's daughter. As he nodded his head towards Lady Grafton she gave an inane giggle.

With her tightly corseted gown, overly caked makeup, and blond hair piled high atop her head, Henry imagined that many men might have been drawn to her, but the clear vacancy behind her big blue eyes was entirely off-putting. No question Grafton had placed the girl there to attract his attention, and she was not the first courtly lady be thrust upon him this evening. Henry was repulsed at the idea that the men of court would use their children like whores to cull his favor, hoping their daughter's pretty faces and rounded breasts would earn them their Prince's ear.

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