Chapter Forty-Two

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Hey there readers. Let's leave Fiona and her new ally for a moment and go back to Teren. I know he just had quite a few chapters, but he's still playing catch up compared to the other POV characters and he really does have an important part in this story;-) What will that be I wonder?... Anyhoo, Teren takes a trip to Salam Palace.....


The click of his boots echoed loudly in the familiar silence of Salam Palace's empty corridors in the early morning. Soon the halls would be bustling, with servants, and courtiers, visitors hoping for audience with the King or his Chancellor, or any of the other nobles of court who currently resided there. It was his hope to be gone well before then. In fact, despite of his friendship with Henry during their time at war, and Teren's recent promotions, he preferred to avoid the austerity of the royal residence altogether whenever possible.

 He'd never been one for politics and after his less than promising interaction with Dresden Rearder at his party, Teren had decided that it was best to actively circumvent any more potential conflicts with those in high stations at court. At least until his own name had risen enough for him to feel more secure in the positions he'd acquired.

Still, in light of his most recent promotion that granted him a position on the King's lesser council, trips to the palace were becoming unavoidable. Henry seemed determined to keep Teren's status on the rise, and he certainly could not deny his friend's generous appointments. No matter how much discord it caused on occasion in his dealings with the elite of the Empire, he was grateful for his King's favor and was determined to prove worthy of it.

This morning Teren hoped his visit to the palace would indeed be short. He had merely to provide a few documents for the Chancellor's review and if he left them with Henry's chamberlain, Teren knew he could avoid contact with Rearder directly. Arriving as early as he had would further better his chances of avoiding anyone he would have to engage in conversation. Most of the court would not begin the day's business until after nine o'clock when all would have risen, the morning prayers of the faithful complete, and the taking of refreshment concluded. Teren had just completed his errand and begun his retreat when he heard a voice call out to him.

"Ah, Lord Mather, just the man I was looking for." Teren turned in surprise to see Henry himself walking towards him.

"Majesty," Teren said, bowing his head.

"I see that you too are an early riser," Henry answered with a smile. "I had not expected anyone to be conducting business at this hour."

"I prefer to begin my day as early as possible."

"To avoid the company of the court?"

Teren felt his stomach churn, as it often did in Henry's presence since their return from battle. The man was King now, and the idea of a true friendship with the ruler of all Erestia still seemed strange. Moreover, Henry's question made him uneasy.

"In fact, I have noticed that you avoid my home as much as possible without neglecting your obligations."

"I suppose it is true, Majesty," Teren admitted. "Please forgive me if I have offended in any way. I am still, as of yet, somewhat unfamiliar with the intricacies of court and if it seems as if I have been avoiding the company of..."

Henry's laugh cut him off.

"I avoid them too," he said, clapping his hand atop Teren's shoulder. "Most of the members of my court are nothing more than pompous, ignorant fools. Though I suffer their company I, like you, would otherwise do all that I could to keep my distance from them if my position allowed." 

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