Chapter Forty-Six ( Assembly Part 2)

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Many of the council members were gathered outside of the building when she emerged. Most were making small talk, following the unspoken custom to avoid discussion of any issues raised at the council meetings directly following an assembly. It was considered best to give everyone present time to think on the issues and allow emotions to cool before important matters were raised again, though she wondered how many might be breaching that code of conduct in their hushed conversations.

As Fiona walked through their ranks, a few councilmen attempted to speak with her, inquire after her health, the health of her protégé and engage her in less charged discourse than that which had been raised in the course of the meeting. Fiona tried to pay attention to their insignificant chatter as she watched Manna engaging in the same banal conversations a little ways off with the two initiate members who had attended the meeting. Fiona had the distinct urge to approach her teacher. She wanted to apologize, to thank Manna for her discretion at the Assembly.

"Fiona," Fiona felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Caleb Blackwell.

"Caleb," she said, "you startled me."

"Forgive me, Nita Amoral," he answered with a slight bow of his head. "I was hoping to speak with you."

"Hum?" Fiona replied distractedly. She saw Manna nod her head to the women she had been speaking with, clearly making her final goodbyes before returning home. Fiona  turned her attention back to the councilman.

"I know it's not custom to speak of politics after a meeting," Caleb said, "but wanted to talk to you. I hope you were not offended by my questions in the Assembly."

"No, not at all. Your concerns are entirely valid. I hope I was able to successfully alleviate some of them."

"That you were," he said. "It is clear Merkin and quite a few others have already been swayed to your  way of thinking. I know you have long distrusted the King, but the concerns you raised will certainly make the Council take the matter more seriously. I can tell you, confidentially, that more than a few Council representatives have already been speaking of their fear of the current crown's stability. 

"You gave them another option, truly allaying fears that the rebellion might be a foe to the Senmin just as dangerous as the crown. If Harrison is still interested in speaking with you, he has not yet decided to make our people a target in spite of your relations with Henry. That is a reassuring thought, as is the fact that you have been on friendly terms with the man before. I know I would certainly like to hear what Harrison has to say. 

"I won't pretend to agree with many of their actions in the past, but it does seem that the Vox Populi are growing smarter of late. They are more careful now, and yet their message of dissent is clearly succeeding at permeating the minds of the populous. With public opinion in their favor, I can't imagine many could disagree with your assessment that we can not dismiss them out of hand. I'm certain your proposal to at least make contact with the rebels will be one most will be willing to back."

She smiled, momentarily distracted from her feud with Manna. His words truly giving her hope that all of her efforts had not been in vain. "Thank you for saying so Caleb. I appreciate it more than you know."

"I never speak anything but the truth," he said. Caleb gave her a reassuring half-smile, but she could see that he was searching her, hesitating to say more.

"Are you alright?" he asked after a moment.

"I'm fine," Fiona replied, watching Manna's figure receding in the distance and sighed. The chance to reconcile with her had passed again. Perhaps after the Council became more open to her dealing with Harrison, Manna might forgive. If she had the approval of her people to engage in such relations with the Vox Populi Mana would have no choice. Still, she regretted having put herself against her teacher.

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