Chapter Thirteen

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Authors Note: So...wondering how Prince Henry and Fiona's storylines will meet up? This chapter should begin to give you an idea. This chapter is an addition to the current draft of the novel ( and was only briefly summarized in the previous draft). I'd love to know what you think of it ( and what you think of Henry's message to the Nita). As always, thanks for reading!! :-)



It had been roughly three weeks since a message had arrived though an official envoy of the Crown Prince Henry Bastario, requesting the presence of the Nita at Salam place. Fiona had graciously received the invitation before alerting Avery and calling an assembly of the Cainell Council. There was no disguising the tension in the room as Avery called the meeting to order and Fiona read the Princes words aloud in the nearly empty Meeting House.

The Crown Prince Henry Philip Bastario humbly requests the presence of Nita Fiona Amoral at Salam Palace for an audience with his royal Majesty. In the name of peace and harmony among the people of the Erestian Empire, it is his Majesty's great hope the Nita will send a message with the Crown's envoy when he returns in one week's time, indicating her acceptance of this invitation.

The brows of the councilmen remained furrowed as Fiona looked up from the invitation in her hand. From their expressions of confusion, it seemed clear that they had been hoping, with each word, to discern meaning from the Prince's vague correspondence, but had found none.

"There is no more than that?" Jasper Collin's asked when she had finished.

Fiona shook her head, sympathetic to his incredulity. She too had been dismayed at the lack of information contained in the message when she first read it. "I agree, Mr. Collins," she answered. "The Prince is certainly vague about this proposed meeting."

"He says nothing of why he has extended this invitation. I think we should be  wary of accepting."

"Indeed," Aaron Baker chimed in. "This seems highly suspicious. Not since King Grayson has any Senmin leadership even been officially permitted in the Capitol City. Fredrick made it very clear when he inherited the crown from his father, that he had no intention of granting us any rights under his rule and things have only grown worse since then."

"You are justified in your fears, Mr. Baker," Fiona replied, not entirely surprised by the councilman's reaction of distrust towards the Prince's unexpected correspondence. "Yet I will admit, it is my inclination to accept Henry's invitation.

She saw a frown twitch to life on Aaron's face. In fact, scanning the faces of the other men, it seemed clear that all were uncomfortable now that she had stated her controversial intentions aloud. Fiona watched as their eyes darted surreptitiously towards the Council Leader who had, thus far, remained silent.

"And what say you, Council Leader Trenton?" Ralph Perthy asked. "Surely you too are against this proposed meeting."

Fiona resisted the urge to scowl at the man. While the others may have had legitimate concerns, she was quite certain that Perthy was only interested in contradicting anything she might propose. But she had learned long ago to control herself among the Seven. Perthy was an unavoidable nuisance Fiona could not escape. She forced her mouth into the pleasant smile she had mastered well in her fourteen years as Nita.

"Indeed, Mr. Perthy," Fiona said, acknowledging him before turning to Avery. "I too would very much like to know the Council Leader's thoughts on the matter."

Avery met her gaze and nodded his head slightly, but kept his mouth closed for a moment longer as if deep in thought on the matter.

"I have to say, Nita Amoral, I do wonder the benefit of accepting this invitation," he answered finally. "It seems to me that there is great risk involved in doing so, both to yourself and our people."

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