Chapter Sixty

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Though the alley was dark though she knew they were there. She could hear their heavy breathing surrounding her. She held her staff in front of her and focused her energy on the clear piece of quartz set on its tip. Fiona heard the words of her teacher in her head.

The powers of The Nita are too strong. Never to be used in violence, Never to be used unless in dire need.

Every ounce of her knew there was no choice. A familiar tingling sensation began to radiate through her body. Power drawn from within, from the air around her, all pulsing through her blood, though her arm, through her finger tips, into the wood she held. The clear crystal conduit on the staff lit with a soft glow bringing the alleyway from blackness and revealing the mass of shadowed figures blocking her way.

"Whatever it takes to return home," she whispered aloud into the darkness.

The shuffling footsteps of invisible bodies circled her in the confined space. Focus, she told herself, willing her mind clear.

As one of the men rushed at her head on, Fiona directed her power through the wooden staff in her hands aiming it at her assailant. She felt the jolt of energy surge through her body as a jet of white light streamed forth, hitting the man square in the chest and he fell back dead. 

The others were on her seconds. A hand reached out from behind her, grabbing her shoulder roughly. She turned towards her attacker, but before she could react, a fist thrust through the darkness, hitting her jaw so hard she nearly lost her balance, her head spinning.

Recovering her senses, Fiona raised her arm and struck the man across the face with her staff. He stumbled back. But no sooner had her attacker retreated, another hand reached out, taking hold of the wood in her hand and she was forced to spin around to face this new opponent.

Fiona's head pounded as she blinked against the dizziness threatening to overwhelm her. Using the stability of the man's body, Fiona managed to stay on her feet. Stepping towards him she grabbed his shoulder with her free hand and pulled him close, kneeing him in the groin, and pushing him away. As he doubled over in pain Fiona pointed her staff, killing the man instantly. Her whole body shook with the effort, sweat beading along every inch of her skin.

Fiona knew there were more men surrounding her, but the light of the staff was already fading. Such aggressive power could not be wielded continuously for long. She could already feel her strength dissipating too much. How many were there? Who were they?

The men lying in front of her wore nondescript clothing, dark shirt and pants. Assassins? Likely the King's men. But how could they have known she was there? Had she been followed all the way from the tavern? It seemed impossible. Where was Alex? Had they followed his as well? Was he already dead?

The thoughts flew threw her head one after another as she tried to regain her senses, the figures closing in again. Whatever the identity of her assailants, she wouldn't let them take her. She had promised to return to Gregorn and she could not fail. But in spite of her resolve the light of Fiona's staff faltered as she fought to maintain her focus and hold on to the remaining shards of power still flowing through her body. As another man came towards her, the lighted crystal dimmed further.

"Damn it," she cursed under her breath. She took hold of the stick in both hands and brought the front end of the staff down in a diagonal strike to his head. The man avoided the attack but before he could move, Fiona used the backend of the stick to strike his side. As he stumbled away, she stepped in, chambering the staff and ramming the end of it into his stomach, and before he could recover she brought the wood down on his head, hearing a sickening crack as he fell to the ground. But the effort of their struggle was too much. As a wave of exhaustion swept over her the crystal went dark, casting the alley into nearly complete blackness.

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