Chapter Nine

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Authors Note: Hey there readers. Here's a new chapter and...a new character! Meet Henry. Thanks so much for following, reading and, well, just being you:-). Don't forget to comment. I would love to hear from you! And if you like the chapter, click the star:-) 



As Prince Henry Philip Bastario rode over the hill on approach to Auresir he was filled with a strange sense of both relief and dread at the prospect of returning home. It had been just over one year since his father had sent him to lead the royal army's campaign against the stirrings of rebellion in the Outerlands. 

Lead by Gregory Plath, they called themselves the "Vox Populi," and claimed to represent the suffering of the common man. The group had been in existence for some time, and throughout his childhood Henry had heard the name. But after the discovery of the group's weapons stores ten years prior, and the brutal punishment of those charged of treason as a result, it was believed the rebels had largely disbanded. Until two years ago.

Three consecutive bad harvests throughout the Empire, along with increased taxation by the Crown and its representatives, had fueled the people's despair and unrest. As Henry watched his father bungle the management of the Empire's food stores and treasury with increasing frustration, it seemed his anger been shared by the majority of Erestia. It was the fodder Gregory Plath needed to bring the rebellion back to life, gaining support enough to become a true danger to the Crown.

To Henry's mind, the people had had every reason to rebel against his father. He held nothing but disdain for the King and the fact the man had sired him was a source of great shame. That Fredrick had ultimately forced Henry to the front lines of battle to fix the mess in his stead was unforgivable, though he'd had no choice but to comply. But even the King's cowardice was more redeemable than his overt betrayal. Though it would be difficult to prove, he was certain Fredrick had purposefully under-equipped his battalion, seeking to have Henry killed in battle. The idea that he would now be forced to return home only to feign ignorance of Fredrick's treachery, filled him with revulsion.

Henry checked his horse and stared for a moment at the sprawling city below, his gaze lingering on the outline of stone walls that encircled the great palace in the distance. He wondered if Fredrick would suspect that he knew. If the King would imagine Henry was fool enough to have missed his malicious intent in ignoring his letters begging for aid. Henry was so lost in thought that the sound of his retinue halting just behind him made him surprised him. He had nearly forgotten their existence. With a quick glace to his right, he saw his corporal, Teren Mather, as he pulled his horse along side Henry's chestnut stallion.

" Sire," Teren said. "The messenger you sent ahead last evening should have arrived by now."

Henry nodded though his words had barley registered.

" Shall we proceed?"

"Hum?" Henry replied, lost again in the vision of the great capitol stretched out before him, awaiting his return.

"Your Highness?"

Henry looked at his friend distractedly.

"Henry," Teren said quietly. "Are you alright?"

Henry tried to regain his focus. "Yes. Yes of course. I'm fine."

Teren put a hand on his shoulder. " We have won, your Highness," he said. " Your father will be proud."

Henry stared at Teren's hand and the man withdrew it instantly, bowing his head.

"Forgive my forwardness, Highness," he said.

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