Chapter Forty-One

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So...When last we left Fiona she seemed to be leaning heavily towards supporting the rebellion. In chapter thirty-six, Alex received a message from her saying "I will fight...Let's see what Fiona's been up to now;-)


Trained from an early age to sense the flow of time and the coming of day, Fiona woke just before the sun, though she could feel it's edge beginning to creep over the horizon to the east. Blinking the sleep from her eyes she turned to look at Alex's figure beside her, watching as his light breath caused the blankets to rise and fall like gentle waves in a cloth sea. 

His back was towards her now, though they'd fallen asleep curled together. She could still feel the heat radiating from his body close, the warmth so enticing compared to the cold chill that had swept through the room overnight. Already it pricked at the bits of her skin that peeked from beneath the covers. 

Fiona realized she had missed it, this comfort of another by her side. The life of a Nita was a lonely one and she'd never minded. Preferred it in fact. But she could not deny it was pleasant to have this temporary companionship. Still, as pleasant as it might be, she knew she could not spend the day in bed. Pulling back the blanket, Fiona forced her body to rise, facing the assault of cold air on her now exposed skin, leaving Alex still comfortably in sleep's embrace. They were both warn thin, and if he could find a few more moments peaceful rest she had no right to deny him.

She went first to the chipped porcelain washbasin in the corner by the cramped room's one, small window, staring into the waning darkness at the slight hint of sunlight had begun to color the sky, the thin crescent moon growing paler with the coming dawn. Taking a handful of water in her hands she splashed it on her face, feeling the shock of cold as the icy water touched her skin and brought her mind from the inevitable grogginess that accompanied too few hours of sleep.

The inn they had chosen in Camlin was busy. Filled with various travelers, merchants, and an assortment of raucous patrons from the popular tavern bellow, enough commotion to ensure their presence was entirely overlooked. It was not the most glamorous of accommodations. The room they'd rented for the evening was barely large enough to fit their bed and provided the most basic of amenities. Still, with the stresses she now faced in taking on her duties as Nita in addition to acting as clandestine advisor to the rebellion, these occasional rendezvous provided a much needed release.

True to the pledges he'd made in begging for her support, Alex had thus far proven his willingness to see Fiona as a partner in his management of the Vox Populi. In complete opposition to the manipulative and demeaning methods Henry continued to employ at their "meetings of good will," Alex was honest in presenting his vulnerabilities and truly seeking her advice making no attempt at pretense. He needed her help and knew it.

They had always worked well as together, even under Plath's leadership, but it was refreshing nonetheless to find her council truly considered and heeded. Even among her own people, such collaborative leadership was a rarity. Avery Trenton had never learned to treat her advice with anything less than blatant opposition, causing the Council to follow suit, and now more than ever, his blind support and trust of the Crown was nearly unbearable. But all that would change soon.

In the months since Fiona had officially pledged her support, the rebellion was already gaining strength again, though their rise was subtle. That was by intention. Alex's charismatic leadership was his greatest asset in gaining loyal followers to his cause and many did support him, but the man's impatience and tendency towards impetuous action had long been a weakness that threatened to destroy his chances of success. Fiona's tactics were far more nuanced.

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