Chapter Twenty

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So, there hasn't been much action for a few chapters now... so I thought I'd toss a bit in;-) Karina learns to fight!



Manna did not go with her to the field atop Castor Hill, where Caleb Blackwell taught the boys of Gregorn to fight, but Karina knew the way well enough. She had followed Aidan there before, though she had never dared to climb the hill to Blackwell's home. She knew that the man did not tolerate trespassers on his land, and only people who had business with Blackwell would dare bother him. 

Everyone knew the man who lived alone on the hilltop was a true warrior. They said that he had fought among the Empire's most elite soldiers, back in the days when Senmin were permitted in the Royal Army under King Grayson's reign. As she made the trek to his home just outside of the city Karina was both nervous and excited all at the same time, wondering what the reclusive man would be like. Since returning to Gregorn town proper is was said he seldom ventured from his home and very few, outside of his students and clients, ever caught sight of him.

As she reached the bottom of the hill, Karina stopped. Manna had warned her not to approach Mr. Blackwell's home before the chiming of the evening bells, and though the sun was low on the western horizon, the bells had yet to ring. Still, she was anxious to arrive on time for her first lesson. Karina could not imagine the harm in setting out a few minutes early.

In spite of the late hour, the day was still hot and the hill was steep. As she climbed Karina could feel the light coating of sweat break out over her entire body, and the loose strands of her hair that had escaped her braid stuck to her brow. She had just reached the top when she heard the sound of rowdy laughter and familiar voices. As she continued forward she saw a house, presumably Blackwell's, and a moment later, the source of the voices appeared as Aidan and his friends came into view.

Karina had never much gotten along with most of the girls her age, always preferring the company of the boys who lived in town, spending their days running wild in the fields and forest surrounding Gregorn town proper. When Manna allowed her free time to play on her own, it was to Aiden and his friends that she turned, and though they often shooed her away from their games, the boys' faces were all familiar.

 As she caught Aiden's eye, Karina waved to him and flashed a big grin. She was surprised however to find her greeting was not returned as the boys' unfriendly stares hit her like a wall of ice, their laughter fading to silence. Ignoring the strangely cold welcome Karina walked over to them and playfully punched her friend in the shoulder.

"You going blind or something?" she said with a laugh. "I was waving."

"What was that for?" Aiden snapped as he rubbed his arm. "And what the hell are you doing here?"

Karina felt her heart beat quicken as the boys continued to stare at her in stony silence. They seemed angry, though she couldn't imagine why.

"I..." she stopped. Manna had warned her not to tell anyone that Blackwell had agreed to train her, but seeing their haughty expressions Karina couldn't resist. "I'm here to train, same as you," she said with a satisfied nod of her head. Aiden frowned.

"Hey Green," one of the boys shouted. "Tell your girlfriend to go home!"

"Yeah," said another. "Tell her to go home."

Karina walked up to the red haired boy who'd last spoken and shoved him back. "Maybe you should go home," she said. The boy's face turned beet red, almost the same color as his hair.

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