Chapter Sixteen

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Author's note: Hello readers! Ready to find out who the heck Alexander Harrison is?? This chapter should provide some new clarity on Fiona's past and the history of the Vox Populi.  

*As this chapter has just undergone a fair bit of revision, it may be a bit rougher than previous chapters and is subject to revision. 



When Fiona first met Alexander, she'd disliked him immediately. 

 It was shortly after she moved to Cainell following her elevation as Nita. Although Fiona might have continued living in Gregorn with her mentor, she had expressed the desire for more independence. Manna had made no objections and the Cainell Council, already uneasy with Fiona's outspoken nature and tendency to challenge their authority, was only too happy to have their new leader move where they had many more eyes and ears with which to watch her actions closely. It had provided the rebels the chance they needed to catch her alone.

The Vox Populi was relatively new at the time, though unrest had been simmering throughout the Empire for a few years at least. Fredrick Bastario's health was said to be failing, and those who had long held grudges against the royal family were stirring for action. King Fredrick had never been as popular as his father. His zealous observance of the Kanjin faith and propensity to rule with an iron fist, had gained him many enemies, not to mention the supporters of the previous royal line who hoped the Bastario's rule would prove short lived. The Vox Populi were intent on taking advantage of the King's rumored weakness, pooling strength from all who might benefit from Fredrick's untimely demise.

The Senmin's official position as expressed by the Council and the recently retired Nita Manna Sayers, remained guarded neither in support nor condemnation of the fledgling group. Since taking the crown Fredrick had reinstated almost every anti-Senmin legislation that King Grayson had removed during his reign, including restrictions on land ownership, trade, and education.

 In light of the King's clear disfavor towards the Senmin, the chance for new leadership was not an unwelcome prospect. But when the rebel leader, Gregory Plath, approached the Council requesting that the Senmin pledge allegiance to the Vox Populi, they made clear their decision to remain neutral. 

 Having received Plath and his second in command, Alexander Harrison, with respect, the Council made every effort to be both supportive and simultaneously distance themselves from the group's potentially dangerous actions against the Crown, fearing the potential repercussions of any involvement with a rebellion. The Council officially denied the rebel leaders a meeting with the newly appointed Nita, giving Fiona no say in the matter. She had returned home soon after the rebels' departure, to find a letter slipped under her door. The message had been simple.

                         We are not enemies.

                                         - Vox Populi

On the lower right-hand corner was written, Dawn, Black Ridge hilltop. Fiona had told no one of the note. She knew the Council's stance on the rebels and even Manna had, in her diplomatic manner, expressed an uncertainty towards what the Vox Populi's existence might mean for their people, agreeing it was best to turn them away. Unorganized masses of Kanjin did not historically bode well for those of Senmin blood, and Fiona knew well enough that outright war within the Empire could prove disastrous for their people.

But while she saw the wisdom in her fellow leaders' concern, she was cautiously optimistic that the new fringe group might prove sympathetic to the Senmin. It was the first time Fiona had deliberately acted contrary to her teacher's advice. She assuaged her guilt by telling herself that lying by omission was surely less traitorous than outright deception. Determined to draw her own conclusions on the Vox Populi, she had risen early the next morning to attend the proposed meeting.

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