Chapter Seventy-Two

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Karina could see each of the men enter one by one from where she stood with High Priestess. As the Council filed into the Meetinghouse, she tried to remember the names of as many as she could. To remember those she had met in the past as her teacher's friends. 

Simar had assured her that the Council would grant her pardon, but she couldn't help but worry the woman might be mistaken. The High Priestess had also told her that these men had already accepted her as their next Nita at Simar's recommendation, in spite of the fact the matter had yet to be confirmed. The latter thought still made Karina queasy. Though it was certainly better than the alternative fate she might face at the hands of these men, she could not help but wish that the Council and High Priestess might simply let her go and allow Mina Krin to take on the position she was meant to. 

Karina's heart quickened as she caught sight of the final group that entered the building. Between two men, a woman was led. Her hands were bound behind her. The figure was thin and frail, so small between her captors. Manna.

Karina wanted to call out to her teacher but before the words could leave her lips, Simar's hand came to rest heavily on her shoulder and she chose to keep her mouth closed. Though she remembered that she was still mad at Manna, seeing her so helpless, she was filled with remorse. Karina closed her eyes and tried to channel her teacher.

"Manna," she said, "I'm sorry. I was angry with you, but I'm not now. I'm so sorry for everything." Karina wasn't even certain what she was apologizing for. For being born? That didn't seem fair somehow. But Manna's helplessness was too much to take without expressing some form of remorse. Ultimately Karina knew it was her very existence that had brought about this horrible degradation her teacher now faced. The thought filled her with so much guilt is seemed to push away all else.

Manna's head turned in her direction and for a brief moment, her sad gray eyes locked with Karina's, but there was a deadened look to them, as if they couldn't see her at all. The man holding Manna's arm roughly nudged the old woman forward and they disappeared inside. Karina felt her own eyes blurring with tears. She wiped them away quickly before the priestess could see.

Simar squeezed her arm gently, calling back her attention.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"Do I have to go?" Karina knew it was a childish question, but she wasn't sure she could face the Assembly. That she could bear to witness her teacher's suffering without breaking down entirely. And what if this gathering was merely a trap? What if the Council had decided to ignore the Priestess's recommendation to grant her forgiveness? Karina had seen the rage in Avery Trenton's eyes when she returned to Gregorn. The absolute condemnation. What could Simar possibly have said to change his mind?

"If there is to be any legitimacy to your reign you must face your accusers, Karina, " Simar replied, her voice sympathetic to the fear Karina knew she was failing to mask. "The Nita and the Elder Council must be in alliance with each other. As High Priestess, I myself can grant you the allegiance of the Initiate, but the Council is its own separate entity. Avery Trenton and his men must accept you officially if you are to become the next Nita."

"But I do not wish to be the Nita," Karina protested. She watched as the Priestess's mouth sharpen into a tight frown of disapproval.

"Stop your whining this instant," Simar said sternly. "I stand poised to recommend you as our people's next leader. If you do not wish to disappoint me and your teacher, you will do as you are told."

Karina was taken aback by the sudden change in the woman's tone, but she forced her head to nod her understanding. She felt like a little girl again being scolded so. But Simar was right, she was no longer a child. She was fifteen now, old enough to act as an adult without hiding behind the strength of others. Karina straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath. "I am ready," she said, her voice resolute.

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