Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hey there readers. I have been conflicted on how to release this next group of chapters. Since some are short and may be best combined that is what I have decided to do. Its a section with a bit more action/ intense stuff than there has been for awhile so hopefully that will be enjoyable. 

In an effort to release this section quickly, this first release will be the combination of two chapters separated by a line break only (would love feedback as to whether or not you think in the final draft it makes sense to keep them separate btw). The next set of chapters will be released fri and next week I am also planning to do two releases as well :-)



By eight'o clock the guests had began to arrive and though it was early still, the great hall of Teren's home was already filled with a cacophony of music, laughter and general merriment. Carlotta shone with an effortless elegance. Her blond hair piled atop her head, was accented with delicate pearls. Her purple silk gown announced their family's new status prominently, as did Teren's own high quality garments, and his well-trained staff was behaving impeccably. None in attendance would question the level of status and wealth the Mather family had gained. Still, with stakes so high it was hard for Teren to feel truly relaxed.

The enthusiasm his wife had stirred in him through her preparations for the celebration had faded as the event drew closer, and now, with the influx of his more prominent guests, Teren's anxiety only grew. Though the guests he had welcomed thus far were all cordial, it was impossible to ignore the cold chill in their affect towards him.

Those who had lost relatives, friends, and large sums of money in the wake of Henry's purges of Fredrick's court undoubtedly blamed Teren for his part in their family's misfortune. Still others likely resented that a member of the Mather family had risen again to the top of society in spite of his families past treachery towards the royal family.

Even without the stain of his name Teren was well aware that those of new wealth among the royal city were treated with derision. It was clear the smiles on many of his guests' faces only vaguely disguised the knives they wished to plunge into his back, and likely would, were it not for Henry's clear favor towards him. And so, while his wife entertained, Teren had thus far spent most of the evening roaming the perimeter of the room, affecting a look of calm authority while simultaneously sizing up his guests, trying to read in each of their faces the signs of an enemy or friend.

He had not been observing from his new post long before Teren noted a slight commotion among his guest, drawing his attention. As a crowd of partygoers bowed and parted to make way for the well-dressed figure amongst them, Teren saw the cause. The large gold chain of his office was prominently strung around the man's neck, mustache well waxed and curled into a neat handle on either side of the sharp pointed nose positioned above. Dresden Rearder. 

Catching sight of Teren, the High Chancellor walked towards him with a purposeful gait, in the manner of one accustom to power. Teren put on his most dignified expression and readied himself to greet the most important guest he had welcomed thus far.

"Chancellor Rearder," he said with a bow. "I am honored you could attend my humble gathering."

Teren truly was honored the man would choose to make an appearance in his home. The Chancellor's mere presence at the party could strengthen Teren's standing amongst his guests. Still, it was impossible to ignore the degree of discomfort he felt in the man's presence.

Dresden Rearder was known widely as one of the most ruthless in the surviving line of the Hapsben royal family and had somehow managed to endure two regime changes unscathed. It was well known that his successes were often obtained at the expense of another nobleman's demise.

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