Chapter Forty-Seven

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Well, the last chapter made it clear that Fiona is going to have a difficult time gaining Council suport for the rebellion if Avery has anything to say about it. This chapter will give us another game changer...I know there are a few of you who have noted that Manna and Karina have been missing for too long. Well...Here it is! Finally a Karina chapter. Like chapter 45 this one is on the longer side. Hope the subject matter will ensure it doesn't drag but def let me know your thoughts! 


"I'm home," Karina announced loudly, dropping the heavy load of her belt and sword to the floor and slamming the door to shut out the wind that had chased her all the way home from Blackwell's cabin. She watched a frown form on Manna's face at the sound of metal clattering before she fixed a stare of disapproval that Karina knew all too well.

"Karina please do not leave your things on the floor," Manna chided. "I have told you before that I do not want weapons in my house. And take those boots outside."

Karina looked down to see the muddy foot prints she'd inadvertently brought in her wake. Still she sighed in annoyance. She was tired, sore. It was cold outside and she'd been training for hours. Manna must have seen the rebellion in her expression.

"Don't start with me, young lady," the old woman said, in her warning tone. "I spent the day cleaning this place and I'll be dammed if I let you destroy it in under five minutes."

The exasperation on the Karina's face washed away, quickly replaced by remorse. Looking around she could see that their home did look particularly spotless. She hadn't meant to ruin the efforts of her teacher's hard work. It was already generous of her to have allowed Karina to skip chores around the house in favor of gaining an extra hour of training with Mr. Blackwell.

"I'm sorry, Manna," Karina said, picking up her things, ignoring the protests of her aching body as she shouldered her gear again.

"I heated some water for you to wash up properly before supper," Manna said gesturing to the large pot over the hearth, "Put the weapons in the shed where they belong and then hurry back. I would like to eat before it gets too late. Perhaps I should have a talking to with Caleb about keeping you so long after dark."

"Yes, ma'am." Karina replied dutifully, putting her hand on the door and preparing to face the cold again. But as she stepped outside Karina stopped almost immediately. There was someone coming. She could sense it, though the dimming light made it hard to see. They were riding their horse towards the house at a fast clip. An odd sense of foreboding traveled along the length of her skin. Who would come so late at night in such a hurry?

"Karina, please," Manna's voice rang out in exasperation when she did not hear the door close. "I don't expect I need to tell you again to." Her teacher stopped when she saw Karina's expression. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure," Karina answered, staring out into the distance again. She could now make out the horse, a blurred dark figure charging towards her, the footfalls of the animal's hooves growing louder.

"Well, don't just stand there," Manna said sharply, Karina could hear the edge in her voice. Her teacher had sensed something as well, she was certain of it. "Go and put your things around back. No one can know you are training in combat. You know that."

Karina opened her mouth to protest. She wanted to stand guard. To face the visitor head on, but seeing her teacher's expression she thought better of it. Manna did not mean to be contested. Hefting her gear more firmly on her shoulder she disappeared out the door.

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