Chapter Forty-Three

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Hey there readers. Sorry for the delayed update. I'm still working to get the last of the unedited chapters edited and sometimes that means working out of order. Thus the delay. Hopefully the work will ultimately pay off and I'll be able to start posting at least twice a week. (Fingers crossed;-)) There are still a few chapters that need some major changes but progress is being made. Anyhoo...Back to Fiona! 



As the hooves of the horse beneath her pounded against the ground, carrying her to Manna's home, Fiona felt almost giddy. In fact, after her successful meeting with Bernard Merkin, she was filled with a level of optimism she had not felt in some time. The Frenwik council representation had been exceedingly receptive to concerns regarding the throne. He had even agreed to consider supporting Fiona's cause at the next General Assembly and speak his mind to the other representatives. It was an excellent sign.

Given Merkin's position as township head of such an important Senmin settlement, the man had influence among his fellows that rivaled that of Avery Trenton himself. The Council leader was a stubborn man, but he was no fool. If enough of his fellows showed interest in considering the Vox Populi as an ally to their people he would have no choice but to hear them. Having Merkin spearheading anti-loyalist sentiment against the crown would be a promising source of fuel to ignite the other councilmen's desire for rebellion.

A message she received before leaving Frenwick had given her further cause for good cheer. It seemed Alex's most recent efforts to gain more funding from one of his most affluent patrons had finally born fruit. The man had promised Alex a sizable sum with which to purchase new armaments for their cause.

Of course with more weapons, it would become even more challenging to keep Alex from striking openly against the King's allies, but ultimately they would need those arms when the time was right. Fiona felt certain Alex was already coming to realize the benefits of her strategy to grow their support more subtlety. Already their list of allies was growing by the day, and it would not be long before the time would come to depose Henry once and for all.

Still, in spite of all her recent successes, Fiona knew she was glad to be returning to Cainell. As much as she believed in her cause, being away from her student, her teacher, and her daughter for so long had begun to take its toll. She needed to return home and, in spite of her increasing worry that Manna might discover the secret aid she was providing the rebels, Fiona genuinely missed her mentor. She was eager to rest beneath the roof of Manna's home, truly safe from harm, if only for a moment.

Manna was there to greet her when she arrived, Karina hanging slightly behind. Fiona dismounted shaking her head with a smile. "You always know exactly when I will come."

Manna narrowed her eyes and made a sinister expression at the comment. "That's because I am a witch," she said. Fiona saw her daughter listening to them intently gave a slight nod in Karina's direction, questioning the wisdom of Manna's jest.

The old woman merely glanced at the girl and gave her a mischievous smile. "Or perhaps," Manna said, "It is because you bound from the Capital with such haste, even a deaf old woman, like myself, could hear your horse's footfall from miles away." They both laughed at that and Manna embraced her warmly.

"Karina," Manna said calling to the girl who remained back, "come and greet the Nita properly."

The girl came forward with a slight hint of trepidation. Standing before Fiona she lowered her head and curtsied. "Nita Amoral," she said, "we are glad, as always, for your company." Her eyes looked up slightly to see Fiona's reaction.

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