Chapter Eighteen

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Hello readers! So you've met Caleb and seen that Manna might have had a bit of "history" with him. Now it's time to return to Fiona. Want to meet Alexander Harrison in person? Well here's your chance! :-)

*Note: The first two pages of this chapter contain a bit of exposition. Some of it is just clarification on things you have already learned. I would love to hear folks opinion on it. Does it seem like useful info? Too much repeated stuff you already know? Does it go on too long? Let me know what you think!



He was not there when she arrived. Not surprising. Harrison had never been known for his punctuality. As Fiona stood overlooking the north gate of Auresir, she thought of the last time she had seen Alex, nearly thirteen years before. She'd only just realized that she carried his child inside of her. It was only a week after two members of the Vox Populi were arrested having been found carrying messages for the rebellion. Only three days after those same men had escaped punishment by giving up their Senmin comrades. 

It would be five days still before those Senmin men were hanged without the benefit of trial. Five days that they would spend imprisoned by the Crown suffering unimaginable tortures. But already Fiona had known what their fate would be. Everyone did. They were suspected traitors and, more importantly, they were Senmin, less than human in the eyes of the law. The Vox Populi had abandoned them entirely. The Crown was only too happy to make an example.

Fiona remembered attending the emergency meetings of the Council of Elders that had followed the news of the arrest and subsequent execution of their fellows. She remembered biting her tongue as the Councilmen had ranted and raved, expounding on the evils of the Vox Populi. They were right after all. The Vox Populi had ultimately made it clear that they were no friends to the Senmin. She had trusted them and they betrayed her, tainting one of her first leadership decisions as Nita. No one could ever learn that she had mistakenly given away her trust.

Fiona wholeheartedly agreed to the Council's decision to distance itself from the condemned as much as possible, choking back the guilt at the knowledge she was at least in part responsible for their deaths having incited both men to trust Plath and the rebellion. But there was nothing she could have done to save them.

In the end, the Council's public and exceedingly vocal condemnation of the Senmin rebels had done little to sooth the King's anger. In retaliation for their traitorous ilk, the Crown had taken away the last of the Senmin's representation in the House of Lords, stripping the titles of nobility held by Leman and Collier, two Senmin councilmen from the Nothernlands, in addition to confiscating their lands. 

All Senmin businesses throughout the realm were taxed an additional five percent of their revenue in restitution to the Empire for three years and new anti-Senmin legislation regarding schooling and trade was enacted throughout all of Erestia. The Vox Populi had done nothing in recognition of the Senmin's sacrifice. They had disappeared into the shadows to regroup their strength, leaving the Senmin to answer for their mistakes. The idea that after all that had transpired, Alexander Harrison would now come to Fiona for aid was almost laughable. And yet, here she was, waiting for him in spite of all reason.

When she finally caught sight of the cloaked figure making a clear approach, the leisurely gate instantly registered as familiar. Fiona made ready. She had already created a pact with herself and intended to stand by it. She would meet Harrison, in remembrance of the more positive aspects of their former relationship, and hear his reason for contacting her as he had done. She would agree to nothing more.

As Alex stood before her and removed his hood, Fiona crossed her arms and gave him a disapproving glare, hoping to mask any betrayal of the slight skip in her heart at the sight of his face. The face she'd been so certain she would never see again. Alex took one look at her expression and offered up a weary grin.

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