Enemies; Sam LaRusso

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Summary: You and Sam are enemies. With you in Cobra Kai turned Eagle Fang and her in Miyagi-Do, things were bound to be rocky. After joining together to help take down Kreese, true feelings start to arise.

Warnings: slight swearing, violence

Walking into the big, strange house my already annoyed expression turned sour as soon as I saw a certain brunette standing in the doorway.

"Oh hell no", I said without thinking, "There is no way. Are you kidding me Miguel?!"

Miguel looked over at me, a guilty expression on his face. The rest of the Eagle Fangs stood behind me with their own expressions of annoyance.

"C'mon Y/N, please", he begged, "We're only here to take down Kreese. I know you want that too". Despite being angry for having me come here, I reluctantly walked into the big house.

"Yo Y/N, really?", Mitch started. I looked over at him and glared, immediately making him shut up.

"Look", I started, looking at everyone behind me, "we all want to take down Kreese, that's a fact. If Miguel brought us here, then it's for good reason". Everyone looked around at each other and collectively shrugged in agreement. 

"Besides", I began, turning over to face Sam, "if we don't like what we hear, we can leave. Right Miguel?"

With a small nod from Miguel, we made our way into the living room to get started on a "plan". I knew right from the tension, this was going to be difficult.


After talking for what felt like hours, we finally came to somewhat of an agreement.

"Alright, we already came up for where we're going to train, which is Miyagi-Do, now we just need a new name and new gis", said Demetri looking somewhat defeated.

"Don't forget we need both Sensei's to agree", I pointed out, "Which is like, a big part of this whole 'plan'". Everyone looked around and collectively agreed.

"We already got that covered", replied Miguel with a questionable amount of optimism.

"What are you goi–", before I could finish my question we heard a 'meow'. Everyone looked around confused, trying to find where the sound came from.

"Aww, your cat got left outside", said Bert as he made his way towards the door. I stood up and made toward where Sam and Miguel stood, turning so I was facing them.

"I didn't know you had a cat", Miguel said with confusion.

"I don't", replied Sam as she looked equally confused. My body immediately tensed.

"I've got a bad feeling about thi–", just as I started to express my skepticism, Bert came crashing through the window, his body hitting the floor right by the table. Almost instantly, everyone got in their fighting stance, expecting the worst.

Hawk made his way through the door, some Cobra Kai's behind him. Everyone stared at each other, the tension in the air was growing thicker and thicker by the second. Just as Hawk was about to make his way over, Tory came through the front door, more Cobra Kai's behind her.

"Heard you were throwing a party", she started, "hope you don't mind we crash". After she said that final word, all hell broke loose.

Everyone started throwing punches and kicks. Glass could be heard breaking as well as bodies hitting the walls. Two boys from Cobra Kai made their way over to me.

"Hey, traitor", one of them said. I didn't care to figure out their names as I sent a kick to one of their chests, the other one immediately making his way over and swinging at my face. I blocked it and sent a side jab into his ribs. Both of them ground as they stood up, one of them came behind me and held my arms to the side, keeping me from blocking.

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