Hate: Part 3; Hawk

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Summary: You and Hawk confess your true feelings in detention

Warnings: Slight swearing, cheesy- I'm sorry, I was in a cheesy mood


After lunch the four of us made our way back to the library to finish our tasks, while counselor Blatt went back to her office. Bert and the unnamed kid walked ahead of us and went back to organizing the books. Hawk and I went back to the stack of books and began sorting them to go back on the shelves.

My mind kept wandering off to what Hawk was going to say. Was he going to apologize? Was he just going to make one of his stupid remarks? My mind was racing with all these different questions as I started grabbing books.

Of course, me being me, I grabbed one too many and dropped not one, but all of the books in my hands. Stupid Hawk for making me lose focus, I thought. I groaned as I bent down to begin picking them up. As I reached forward to start collecting the books, another set of hands joined. I looked up to see Hawk stacking the fallen books. My shock was evident as he looked up.

"What?", he asked. Almost as if him helping me was the most normal thing in the world. Not wanting to trigger his usual asshole-y attitude, I took advantage of his kindness.

"Nothing, thank you", I said as I stood up. I took half of the books while Hawk took the other. We stayed in silence as we worked on placing the books in the shelves. 

"I'm sorry", I heard Hawk say. My hand was halfway to putting a book on the shelf when I stopped, my head turning to meet Hawk's gaze. His eyes were soft and sincere as he looked at me.

"What?", I asked. It seems that I'd been asking the one worded question a lot.

"I'm sorry", he said without hesitation, "for everything."

I somewhat jokingly looked behind me as if he was talking to someone else before turning back to him. "Are you okay?", I asked, "Was there something in that ham sandwich?"

Hawk, surprisingly, let out a quiet chuckle, "No, I'm fine. I'm just sorry for always being such an asshole to you and Demetri. You two were my best friends and I took that for granted, " he started with sincerity in his voice, "I guess, the moment I got a taste of popularity, I felt that maybe that's all I needed, but I was wrong. I needed you guys. I needed you", he added. His eyes never left mine as he spoke. My eyes unwillingly began to water. Seeing the tears, Hawk went to put his arms around me.

"Don't", I said sternly as I put my hand up to stop him, "you don't get to be an asshole and just expect me to forgive you after one little apology. I loved you Eli. You meant the world to me and then you suddenly just thought you were too good for us? For me? Screw you", I finished as tears began streaming down my face.

I turned and made my way towards the exit, passing my Bert and the unnamed boy. Bert looked up with concern, "Y/N, are you okay?, he asked. I only nodded as I continued towards the door. 

I didn't stop walking until I heard footsteps behind me. Fearing in was counselor Blatt I turned, ready to explain my reasoning for leaving the library. Fear was replaced with annoyance at seeing Hawk, his breathing was heavy as if he ran here.

"Did you-"

"I ran", he cut me off, answering my question. I slowly nodded, my arms crossing in front of me.

"What do you want?", I asked trying to sound unaffected.

"I want to tell you I'm sorry", he said causing me to face the floor in annoyance, "and tell you that I love you"

My head snapped up at the confession, "I'm sorry?", I questioned like I didn't hear even though I, in fact, did. Hawk walked until he stood right in front of me.

"I said, I love you", he began, "I have loved you since that day in third grade when you shoved a crayon up Steven Bridge's nose because he was making fun of me", I laughed at the memory, a smile made its way onto his face, "since you danced with me at the eighth grade formal because Zoey Houser turned me down and embarrassed me in front of everyone", my eyes dropped back down to the floor, "since you always stood up to Yasmine and Kyler because they were just assholes", he continued while grabbing my face in both of his hands.

"I've loved you for a long time Y/N/N", he added. His eyes never left mine as he finished his rant. I didn't know tears were streaming down my face until I felt his thumbs begin to wipe them away.

"I love you and I'm sorry", he started, "and I understand if you don't-"

I cut him off, bringing my lips to his. My hands grabbed the sides of his face. I was the first to pull away, "I love you too", I said, "Eli".

He smiled before pulling me into another kiss. "Hey! You two!", Eli and I pulled away at the sound of counselor Blatt's voice. We both turned to face her and saw Bert and the unnamed boy standing behind her. Bert had a shocked expression while the unnamed boy gave us a thumbs up. I would've laughed if Eli and I weren't about to get in trouble.

"My office. Now", she said sternly before making her way back to her office. Eli and I followed, but not before sharing one last kiss. Thank you counselor Blatt, I thought.

And with that, Eli and I walked hand in hand to her office. Granted we did get a months worth of detention, but damn was it worth it.


That's it for the Hate series. I hope you liked it!

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