Prom; Robby Keene *UNEDITED*

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Summary: You and Robby make your debut as a couple at prom and have the time of your lives. *Robby and Miguel are friends in this imagine. There's no karate or relationship drama- this imagine is pretty long, so sorry in advance*

Requested: I got some requests for more Robby imagines so... here you go!!

Warnings: Fluff

As I sat in front of my vanity finishing the final touches on my hair and makeup, I heard the doorbell ring. Not too long after I heard my dad call my name. Anxiety made its way throughout my whole body as reality kicked in. Not only was I go to my first prom, but I was going with Robby.


I had met Robby at the skate park and immediately fell in love with the brunette. We had met eyes a few times throughout the day, but never spoke to one another. That was until he "accidentally" fell off his skateboard in front of me. Of course being the generous person I am, I went over to help. It could also be that I found him really cute, but that's besides the point. After helping him and spending the rest of the day together at the park, he asked me for my number. We talked some more, went on a few dates, and the rest was history. To think that was almost a year ago is crazy.

We started dating in secret. Not that we were embarrassed of each other or anything, but because we liked being together, just the two of us. We liked being able to just be together, no drama, just us. That was until Robby snuck in one night and because he's not the most graceful human being, not like most boys are, he fell face first threw my window and onto the floor. Of course, to my luck, my dad heard. After getting scolded for not only having a boy in my room, but for waking him up at 2am, my dad decided Robby wasn't so bad. He could tell that he was a good guy and could also tell that we loved each other.

It's crazy how after only being together for a few months, we told each other "I love you", but truth be told, we did. Once the whole "falling face first into my bedroom at 2am" debacle, it was time for Robby to tell his parents. They were obviously happy and somewhat shocked. Robby wasn't the easiest guy to get along with. In honesty, everyone who knew Robby knew that he was a totally grump.

Having come clean to our families, it was now to come clean to everyone. We hid our relationship from everyone, obviously except our parents. This included Sam and Miguel. When the news that prom was coming up, everyone was excited, but with that excitement that meant that both Sam and Miguel were trying to find us dates. Having been "single" for "far too long", in Sam's words, the two of them tried to set us up. That didn't go well seeing as we weren't interested in anyone they were trying to set us up with, for obvious reasons. Finally having enough, we decided to end their hunt to find us dates.


"I already have a date", Robby said as Sam, Miguel, Robby and I sat together at the lunch table. He said it so casually like it was no big deal, but I could see the confusion on both Sam and Miguel's faces. Miguel and Sam's eyes widened at the new information. Finding their expressions amusing, I let out a small laugh. From the corner of my eye I saw Robby smile as he looked down, almost bashful. Without anyone noticing, he brought his hand to my thigh and gave it a small squeeze before returning it back to his lap.

"What do you mean you have a date?", Miguel asked. His voice slightly cracked making me laugh once again. Sam looked down trying to hide the smile that was making it to her face. Miguel looked at her in disbelief as a laugh escaped her lips. She sent him an innocent shrug before turning back to Robby.

He cleared his throat before continuing, "Since when?", he questioned. Robby looked between Sam and Miguel in mock disinterest, but I could tell he was freaking out on the inside. He was excited, just like I was. 

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