Unexpected; Miguel Diaz *UNEDITED*

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Summary: You and Miguel find out you're going to be parents. The problem is, you both are only 17. Despite the pressure from both your parents and the inevitable judgement from others, you both decide to go forward with the pregnancy, against all odds.

Warnings: Teen pregnancy *UNEDITED*

I stood by the bathroom counter, my hands on both sides of the sink. Sweat trickled down my neck as my whole body shook with anxiety. 

Deep breaths Y/N, I told myself, everything's going to be okay.

Having sensed my nerves, I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. They rest their head on my shoulder as they softly kissed my neck. Despite the circumstances, I felt butterflies in my stomach. A soft smile made its way onto my face at the affection.

"It's going to be okay", Miguel said as he softly rubbed my shoulders, "whatever it says, we'll get through it together", he added, planting a light kiss on my cheek.

I slowly looked up to meet his eyes in the mirror, my hand coming up to reassuringly squeeze one his his. We stood in my bathroom for a few minutes, waiting for the results. I was lucky my parents weren't here to question what was going on, though if it was positive, I'd have a lot of explaining to do.

Miguel and I stayed in our position for few moments. He softly swayed us from side to side, calming me down. Reality took me out of my calm state as the timer on my phone went off. My face immediately paled just as I felt Miguel's body tense from behind me. Reaching over, he turned off the timer. Though the test was right there on the counter, our eyes stayed glued to each other's in the mirror. 

Having sense my thoughts he asked, "Do you want me to look at it?"

I nodded instantly. Placing one last kiss on my cheek, he reached over for the test, his arms removing themselves from my shoulders. I looked back down at the counter, feeling like I was about to pass out. There was a moment of silence. 

"What does it say?", I asked shakily as I brought my head up to face him. He silent for a moment as he continued to look at the test. He then brought his head up to look at me. It wasn't until he faced me that I saw the tears forming in his eyes, causing my heart to beat faster.

"We're going to be parents", he said. There was a small silence, "That's if you want to be", he added urgently, "I don't want you to feel like you have to go through with it", he continued.

I let out a soft chuckle as tears began to fall down my face. He paused at the noise, laughing himself as he realized he was rambling. Putting down the test he walked toward me and placed his hands on my face, wiping my tears. 

"What are you thinking?", he asked softly. I brought my hands to wrap around his wait, softly rubbing his back.

"We're going to be parents", I said as more tears began to fall. Fresh tears of his own fell at my words. He leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine.

"We're going to be parents", he said before leaning in to plant a loving kiss on my lips. 

_____________________ 2 Weeks Later_____________________

It had been two weeks since Miguel and I found out I was pregnant and it was becoming harder and harder to hide it from our parents. Between the morning sickness and the weird cravings, it was getting near impossible to keep from confessing to our parents. 

Miguel had been beyond amazing. Throughout the day he would check in on me to see how I was feeling, if I needed anything, he would even rub my stomach despite me not showing. I was beyond grateful to have him by my side.

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